New Museum To Honor 1.5 Million Jewish Soldiers Who Fought in WWII. Personal Accounts...

As the proprietors of a new museum that will honor the 1.5 million Jewish soldiers who fought in World War II in the armies of more than twenty allied nations and the Jewish brigade....

Norwegian Labor Party Youth Movement (AUF) Demands that Ariel Sharon and Other Israeli Leaders...

The Norwegian Israel Center (NIS) is a voluntary politically independent documentation and resource center that works at promoting a more balanced view towards Israel, and therefore fights antisemitism. At the same time, we try...

Placing a Population Under Curfew During a Tme of War

We hear of the great suffering of the Palestinian population under constant curfew. Residents of entire cities are stuck inside their houses most of the day, most of which are crowded, badly ventilated and...

Documents Seized From Arafat’s Headquarters

On September 14, 1998, a figure who was anonymous at the time to most of the Israeli public, Marwan Barghouti, the Fatah secretary general on the West Bank, wrote a short memo to the...

The “Afirmative Action Policy of the Jewish People”

The media has missed the context of the Israel cabinet decision to restrict residence in some communities to Jews. Israel is quietly and systematically clearing land to prepare for massive Jewish immigration from the world...

Do UNRWA Schools Foster Violence?

BEACH CAMP, Gaza Strip - The tall, whitewashed wall that surrounds the food distribution center of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency here is decorated with murals of exploding Israeli boats and burning...

From the Entebbe airport to the El Al Counter in LA

The news of an Arab terrorist shooting two people to death at the El Al Counter in the Los Angeles International Airport broke in Israel just as the Israel Broadcasting Authority's TV Channel One...

Interview with the Outgoing IDF Commander in Chief Shaul Mofaz

On Tuesday, Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz said goodbye to the Paratroopers Brigade. 36 years after reaching the brigade for the first time, he returned there for the last time. He landed at the...

New Revelations: How Funds of the P.A. Wound up in Arafat’s Pocket

Revelations came to light this week, for the first time, of the incredible ways that Palestinian Authority money passed in only one direction -- into Yasser Arafat's private pocket. This enabled him, for example, to...

Bargouti Admits Terror Involvement

Marwan Barghouti confessed in his GSS interrogation that he was involved in terror attacks in which dozens of Israelis were wounded and killed. New testimony has been revealed,uncovering the involvement of Palestinian security mechanisms...