Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Dec. 16th

Summary and Analysis VOP focused again on the relatively large numbers of martyrs and wounded following Friday prayers-demonstrations-riots, charging Israeli escalations. VOP continues to pursue a low-key/skeptical line regarding talks with Israel. "Nabil Abu-Irdeineh, the spokesman of...

Official PA radio news – the P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 7th

Summary and Analysis The last few days of VOP news and commentary have seen a kind of return to the pre-Intifada coverage at the Voice of Palestine: the news is built around Yasser Arafat, his...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 12th

Summary and Analysis Beginning with its Thursday night coverage, VOP took a very tepid view of the relaxation of Israeli closures and other measures against the Palestinians. Similarly, despite much ado in the Israeli...

Official PA radio news: PA Virtual Endorsement of Ehud Barak

Summary and Analysis The Voice of Palestine stepped up the Palestinian Authority's support of Ehud Barak, only five days before Israeli elections, featuring reports on efforts by Sweden (temporary head of EU) to set up...

Official PA radio news P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 18th

Summary and Analysis, Sunday February 18 Moving into its Sunday coverage, The Voice of Palestine re-affirmed and extended reportage on three matters likely to affect regional picture in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf: Improved Palestinian...

UNRWA Director Peter Hansen Opposes Solving Palestinian Refugee Problem

Full Text: UNRWA feels the pinch of the siege The United Nations Relief and Works Agency has for the past 51 years afforded support for the Palestinian people, moving its headquarters from Geneva to Gaza...

In the Shadow of 1914: The Current Situation

With each passing day, the political landscape across the globe looks increasingly like August 1914. Then, it took only the assassination of an Austrian archduke by a Bosnian-Serb nationalist to ignite the First World...

The Assessments of Israeli Intelligence

This last week the security establishment has been bombarded with an unprecedented number of intelligence warnings. Even the most veteran GSS and IDF officers, those who have seen everything, can't remember so many concentrated intelligence...

George Mitchell, scheduled to address Lincoln Square Synagogue on March 2, 2002: Is His...

In late October, 2000, US president Clinton appointed an international investigation commission to investigate the causes of the rioting in Israel, naming an Arab American and former US Senator, George Mitchell, as its chairman. Mitchell...

AP: Documents Show that Arafat Remunerates the Killers

Jerusalem (AP) - After seizing Palestinian offices and scouring thousands of papers, Israel says documents show Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat authorized payment to a militant who allegedly had been involved in killing several Israelis. Israel's...