UN Resolution 1701: Analysis

The essence: A ceasefire is called for that requires Hezbollah to cease all hostilities and Israel to cease offensive attacks. The Lebanese army is to send 15,000 troops into southern Lebanon; the Lebanese are to...

Rockets and Abductions Planned by Palestinians

The Fatah movement led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas continues efforts to assemble rockets in the West Bank. Israel's military has found a Fatah explosives laboratory and two rockets in the West Bank city...

Perpsective on Negotiations to Release Convicts

None of this has been confirmed yet -- the word is coming via reports from Arab papers. In one version PA President Mahmoud Abbas provided details for a newspaper in Bahrain, El-Halij. Another version...

To Condi; Who is Humiliating Whom?

On October 11, 2006 in a Keynote Address to the American Task Force on Palestine, Secretary Condoleezza Rice claimed that Palestinian Arabs feel "daily humiliation of occupation." Palestinians say they feel humiliated and harassed...

Theatre of the Absurd in Sderot

On Thursday night, I was walking through the streets of Sderot, on my way to present my short movie at the Sderot "Cinemateque", about my travels in Far East. As I walked through the center...

Israeli Overflights in Lebanon Represent no Threat Whatsover to UNIFIL: Nothwithstanding, UNIFIL Feels Threatened

Today, the Israeli cabinet secretary assured the Israeli press corp that the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon has no plans whatsover to attack intruding Israeli military aircraft. The Israeli official made it cleat...

Of clowns and Kassams

It's Thursday morning, and we're awakened at about the same hour we usually are this week by the sound of sirens, seemingly set to coincide with the time when all the children of Sderot...

Israel’s Failing Strategy

When PM Olmert, DM Peretz and COS Halutz snap back at their critics that the IDF is already doing everything it can to stop the Qassams from the Gaza Strip, there are some huge...

Commentary: On the Holocaust, Holocaust denial, Iran, and related issues…

This past week I attended a showing at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs of a documentary made in 1991 by the award-winning Dutch film maker Willy Lindwer on the Wansee Conference, which was...

Commentary: Ceasefires and Negotiations

The truce between Hamas and Fatah fell apart in the last couple of days: at least six have been killed and a former PA official has been kidnapped; Abbas cancelled a planned trip to...