March Madness

As explained by Wikipedia, “mad as a March hare” is a common British English phrase, both today and in Lewis Carroll’s time in the 1800s. This March seems no exception as far as Israel is...

‘An ugly scar on Israel’s justice system’

Attorney Avigdor Feldman, who represented Amiram Ben Uliel before the Supreme Court, claims that Ben Uliel’s confession was obtained under torture and should be treated as such. Feldman was hosted on Arutz 7 Hebrew site against a backdrop...

Document at UNRWA site admits UNRWA’s definition of “refugee” is not valid in international...

The UN Human Rights Council issued a document last week by its reliably anti-Isrsel team of "experts" demanding that Palestinian "refugees" have the right to "return" under international law. Right of return of Palestinian refugees must be...

Climate Change

One of the “hottest” topics gaining increasing attention these days is the phenomenon of climate change. Opinions vary as to whether it is man-made or, instead, a natural climatic cycle that has been repeated...

U.S. Government Delivers Ultimatum to Netanyahu

Substance of the Message: "The United States will publicly support the establishment of a Palestinian State, if Israel does not carry out the stages which it agreed to in the Oslo Agreement". The Prime...

Transcript: Indyk Sees “Real Opportunity” For Separate Peace Accords

January 27, 2000 Martin Indyk, recently returned to Israel for his second tour as U.S. ambassador, told an Israeli television interviewer January 25 that he believes "that there is a real opportunity now on the...

Arafat in Amman: No Need to Stop the Fighting

JERUSALEM -- Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat arrived in Amman in a better mood than usual. Arafat kissed both cheeks of Jordan's King Abdullah and then pulled the monarch toward him and kissed his...

The Killing of a 12 Year Old Child: Another Perspective

On Sept. 30, 2000, the news agency Agence France Presse had a cameraman filming during an exchange of gunfire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian gunmen/rioters. The cameraman focused in tightly on a father and...

Official PA Radio News

Summary and Analysis VOP continues to lead its news shows with details of martyrs' deaths, funeral times and graphic descriptions of those wounded. The second area of concentration is the diplomatic front: efforts By Yasser...

Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Palestine Radio Late November 27th and Early November 28th

Summary and Analysis Beginning in the afternoon and through the evening, PA officials hinted broadly at their repudiation of "partial" or "gradual" solutions that have been floated in the Israeli press. A more detailed repudiation...