Friends of the CIA? – The Palestinian Militias

On a visit to Washington a year ago, Palestinian security chief Jibril Rajoub proudly showed off an armor-plated limousine that he said the Central Intelligence Agency "always provides me when I am here." Last...

Do UNRWA Schools Foster Violence?

BEACH CAMP, Gaza Strip - The tall, whitewashed wall that surrounds the food distribution center of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency here is decorated with murals of exploding Israeli boats and burning...

“Sharon Gets His Chance to Fail” For the first time since Ariel Sharon was elected prime minister of Israel on February 7, 2001, his policies will be put to the test by the Israeli public and world opinion. Having come...

PLO Military Commander Dahlan Endorses Mitzna

On one of the first nights of Operation Defensive Shield, when Ramallah was under siege and soldiers were searching every house, Mohammed Dahlan phoned Avi Gil, until recently the Foreign Ministry director general, and...

The Significance of the Appointment of Elliott Abrams as the Senior Director for Near...

Sometimes the Washington press corps reports a story, but entirely misses its significance. This was the case with last week's naming of Elliott Abrams to the position of senior director for Near East and...

The PA – Iraqi Axis

Between closure and curfew, between terror attack and IDF retaliation, in the midst of their social and economic misery, the Palestinians are finding time to protest against the war in Iraq and to show...

“The Road Map” Means Sovereignty…

Last week, Elliot Abrams, now a senior US government official declared that the Road Map would be "performance based". This week, Gideon Licterman, age 27, was driving his six year old daughter Moriah home from...

Arafat Aides Come Under Threat

For the first time since the establishment of the Palestinian Authority nearly a decade ago, aides to chairman Yasser Arafat have come under repeated attack. Palestinian sources said several aides of Arafat as well as...

Revealed: the Special Relationship Behind America’s Middle East policy

Paul Wolfowitz, the US deputy defence secretary who was a driving force behind the invasion of Iraq, is depicted as a fiercely pro-Zionist hardliner. Philip Sherwell reveals his unlikely confidante is a high-powered Arab...

Does the Current Yesha Council strategy Serve the Interests of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon?

There is only one thing that Arik Sharon is afraid of: direct pressure on the Knesset, which on October 25th will approve or disapprove a symbolic vote of confidence for the Sharon Plan, which...