Commentary: Calls for a New Intifada

With everything else, the calls by Arab leaders for a new intifada and the need for all Palestinians to unite against the "outrage" of what Israel is purportedly doing to Islamic holy places is...

Will the UJC – the Umbrella Organization of US Jewish Philanthropy – Fulfill its...

Most people who follow the Israeli news of the missiles that fall in southern Israel would know the toll that it has taken upon the people there. What you often hear on the news...

Renewed Negotiations with Syria: Currently Not in Israel’s Interest

I am among those who believe that a political settlement is a good thing. Rafael (Raful) Eitan was once asked if he supported a peace settlement between Israel and Syria based on the principle...

B’tselem Projects Tendentious and Unsubstantiated Image of Israel

A leading Israeli-initiated but foreign-funded "human rights" organization -- published a report which claimed that 50% of Palestinian detained by the Israeli security officials were tortured. This internationally publicized report relied heavily on "eyewitness...

Arlene Kushner News Analyis from Jerusalem, Israel

Posting: August 17, 2007 "Duplicity, duplicity" News has broken that Olmert and Abbas have been meeting to work out a framework for the "core" issues of refugees, Jerusalem and borders before the conference proposed by Bush...


Translated by ISRAEL NEWS TODAY, a news translation service at the Beit Agron International Press Center in Jerusalerm, Israel

NIF-Funded NGOs: Goldstone’s Building Blocks February 09, 2010 NIF-funded groups and their publications were featured centrally in the Goldstone report, which focused on alleged Israeli “war crimes” in the 2009 Gaza war. The report referenced B’Tselem more than 56 times;...

CROSSING THE RED LINE : When an Israeli Arab leader is arrested for espionage

Ben Dror Yemini, Senior Writer at the Maariv Newspaper in Israek, was born in Tel-Aviv , Israel in 1954, on the eve of Passover. Hence the name, Ben Dror: the son of freedom.. He studied...

The Family That Shows Why There Needs to be a Naval Blockade on Gaza:...

Iris Twito, the mother of two sons injured by Qassam rockets in the city of Sderot, decided to grant an exclusive interview with Sderot Media Center, following the Gaza aid flotilla fiasco. "The entire...

CIA Chief Says Al-Qaida is Weaker. True. But So Is U.S., While Revolutionary Islamist...

= July 1, 2010 CIA chief Leon Panetta says al-Qaida is at its weakest point since before the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. He's probably right, though the amount of decline in the...