Hizbullah has acquired and deployed Chinese-origin cluster bombs. The New York-based Human Rights Watch asserted that Hizbullah acquired cluster munitions and fired them during the 34-day war with Israel, which ended on August 14. The...


After explicit threats from al-Qaida,now Palestinian organizations are also warning that they will carry out terror attacks against American targets. The Palestinian threat came in the wake of the veto imposed by the US at...

Why the cease-fire will allow the Palestinians to re-arm

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Mr. Ehud Olmert's decision to allow "Karine A Gaza" to grow - to be joined by "Karine A West Bank" - in return for a chance that the rockets...

The ever-predictable UN Human Rights Council

When the UN Human Rights Council on Friday hears from its commission of inquiry on "the systematic targeting and killings of civilians by Israel in Lebanon" -- whose report is now online -- there...

“Politically correct” Holocaust Denial?

This week, the Israeli government issued vehement denunciations of the conference convened by the Iranian government in Teheran to promote the denial of the mass murder of the Jews in World War II, in...

Syria and Iran Enhance Scientific Cooperation

Higher Education Ministry and Iranian Ministry for Science, Researches and Technology on Wednesday signed an agreement on cooperation in scientific research and cultural development. The Agreement provides for doing joint scientific researches between the two...

U.S.-backed militia to include terrorists

A unified Palestinian security force financed, armed and trained by the United States is set to include members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, one of the most active, anti-Israel terror organizations, WND has...

Iran Seeks To Form Hamas-Led Army

Israel's intelligence community has determined that Iran launched a crash program to form a Hamas-led Palestinian army. Iran has been training up to 500 Hamas operatives as combat commanders and soldiers. They said the Hamas...

Israel’s Arabs’ Support Of Iran Creates Worries

Among the Arab citizens of Israel, who constitute more than 1 million Israeli citizens and more than 15 percent of Israel's population, there is a widespread support for Iran. This has begun to worry the...

Israeli Intelligence Blasts U.K. For Providing Sanctuary To Hamas

Just a short time after outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair assumed the role of Middle East envoy, the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Herzelia, Israel (www.intelligence.org.il), has issued a scathing report in...