Did Anyone Hear ‘Jihad’?

Did Anyone Hear 'Jihad'? The problem is not a new one: Palestinian leaders purport to seek peace with Israel but their actions suggest otherwise. The question is how to respond, as when Yasir Arafat speaks in...

Exercises in the Art of War

The Chairman of the Palestinian Authority is nervous and speaks aggressively. Hamas and the activists get the hint: He will not oppose a little "pressure" on Israel, which will also press the Americans. The...

Within the Framework of the “Rules of the Game”

Hizballah is liable to look for revenge by "selectively firing" Katyushas, attempting headline-grabbing attacks in southern Lebanon in the coming days or by concentrated attacks on IDF and SLA positions. The elimination of military leaders...

Biochemical Warfare Threat to Israel?

The likelihood of a chemical terror attack in Israel's cities is such that Minister of Defense Ehud Barak ordered the Chemical Response Unit on full alert during these critical days of the peace process. Lets...

PLO State to Include at Least All West Bank and Gaza

When permanent status negotiations begin, borders of the state of Palestine, including Jerusalem and all other territories occupied in 1967, will be determined by the terms of reference of the Oslo Agreement. the "peace of...

Justice Must be Delivered to Victims of the Maccabiah Bridge Disaster

Australian Jewish Community leaders strongly supported the victims of the Maccabiah Bridge Disaster at the dedication and naming of the Warren Zines Reserve on Sunday, July 25, 1999. In the presence of the Mayor and...

America Too, Is Part of the Exile

Today we have interesting computer programs which can help us search for all kinds of things. One which is very helpful to Jews, is a calendar program which takes the solar calendar and co-ordinates...

Barak’s “Red Line” Coalition

Quotes from text: "There are enough hawks in Israel's emerging coalition -- including perhaps Barak -- to insure that no withdrawal from occupied south Lebanon is likely to be forthcoming without firm Syrian or international...

Egyptian Al-Ahram: Peace Only if ’48 Refugees Return Home

Full Text: Even if the statement made by US President Bill Clinton last week that millions of Palestinian refugees "should be given the freedom to settle wherever they want to" was a "slip of the...

Clinton and the Right of Return

On July 1, 1999, President Clinton stated that American policy was that Palestinians have a right to live "wherever they would like to live". Clinton's policy statement resounded through the Palestinian media and the United...