Preparing for a BioChemical War Against Israel

After a series of delays and the worldwide wave of protests notwithstanding, it is nigh upon us. The United States is going to attack Iraq in the second half of March. While the message coming from...

Manipulative Jaffee Center Poll: Israelis asked to Endorse Palestinian State Without being Asked as...

In comparison to last year, Israelis are today more optimistic and supportive of the measures required to move the peace process forward. For example, 59% now agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state...

Israel Fears Regional War in 2006

WASHINGTON -- Israel has relayed its concern to the United States of the rising prospect of a Middle East war in 2006. U.S. officials said Israel has determined that the expected U.S. withdrawal from...

Questioning Twenty Premises of an Official Publication of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On April 20th, 2005, The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs distributed a multicolored, glossy brochure entitled "Israel's Disengagement Plan: Renewing the Peace Process". The brochure intermingles the philosophy of unilateral disengagement with superlatives about...

Abbas Charges Israel With War Crimes

From Palestinian Authority Radio (The Voice of Palestine): PA Prime Minister Ahmad Qreia (nicknamed Abu Ala) condemned in the strongest terms the resumption of the Israeli policy of assassinations (V.O.P. radio, 4 p.m.-Jerusalem Time), and...

Impact of Israel’s “Disengagement” on U.S. Interests

1. Congressional oversight requires an examination (hearing) of the impact of Israel's "disengagement" (retreat) from terrorist strongholds in Gaza and Samaria on US interests in general and on the safety of US GIs in...

The Hurdles Faced by Sharon ( published on the day of his massive stroke)

1. Prima Facie Again This is it. Even the police are suspicious now. Finally. His guilt has not been proven conclusively, and an indictment has not yet been served. But it is no longer a...

Canada urged to push for changes to UNRWA

Canada has a unique opportunity to take the lead in pushing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) to exclude Palestinian terrorists from its payroll and to adopt the same...

Unforeseen Consequences of Olmert Handing Over US Weapons to an Organizations Placed on the...

Israel's government last week provided American-made weapons, including hundreds of M-16 automatic machine guns, to the Fatah organization in Gaza. It did so despite the fact that the military wing of Fatah, the Al...

Israel Dispatches Infantry Into Southern Lebanon

Israel has dispatched infantry units into Lebanon. Israeli infantry and engineering units have been sent into Lebanon for an assault on Hizbullah positions and strongholds near the Israeli border. The soldiers were said to be...