Bethlehem’s Massive Tourist Plans Include … One New Hotel

At a time when hundreds of thousands of tourists may possibly make their way to Bethlehem next Christmas and New Years to usher in the new century, including the Pope, and another possible visit...

Fatah Preparing for “Intifada of the Settlements”

Now, after the "Intifada of the Prisoners", the Palestinians are preparing a new Intifada to be called the "Intifada of the Settlements". Senior sources in the Palestinian Authority confirm that the intention is to...

The Israeli Elections

Bang! A starting gun shooting blanks. The candidates are off and running in the Israeli Knesset sweepstakes. Nine of them have taken the field thus far, on the track for would-be prime minister in Israel. Israel's...

Israel Ain’t Monica, Keep Yer Hands Off

With new elections in Israel now set for May 17, 1999, many questions about the vote remain to be answered. But from an American frame of reference, the big question is not which candidates...

Al-Ahram Weekly: The Egyptian View of the PNC Vote

Success Penalised by Mohamed Sid-Ahmed Heading: The decision of the US Congress to go forward with the impeachment proceedure threatens to overshadow Bil Clinton's spectacular Middle East trip to rescue the Wye Accord Quote from Text: "Clinton's decision to...

Scenario One: Commando Units in Tel Aviv

As the school year finally began this year in Israel, following the teacher's strike, Meretz MK Yossi Sarid made an appeal on the "Voice of Israel" radio newsreel. Sarid advised principals, teachers and parents to...

How the Palestinian Media Reacted to the Attack on Iraq

On a few occasions, as reported by the Palestinian media, high-ranking figures have called for violence and support of Iraq: The Palestinian Minister of Public Works and Ambassador to Iraq, Azzam Al-Ahmad, said in an...

PLO Saddam Support and Clinton’s Middle East Credibility

Barely 72 hours after the high point of US President Bill Clinton's recent Middle East mission, when he participated in the Palestine National Council in Gaza, where he witnessed the PNC annulling the PLO...

Death Sentence on Israelis

Not only has a Palestinian land law come into being, but a Palestinian law on weapons is also now in effect, according to which it is permissible for the Palestinian Authority to manufacture weapons...

The Habit of Hatred

Israel charges that the level of incitement in the Palestinian media and the education system is sowing the seeds of the next conflict If you look for it, you'll have no problem finding it --...