
Definition: “A sudden loss of control over one’s feelings or behaviour.” With the final official results still to be confirmed, it looks as though Israeli voters have definitely made their preferences clear. Prior to polling day,...

Making Israel Great Again

Israel’s longest serving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election this past week, is seen by many of his over one million supporters who voted for the Likud Party as a sign from above. His triumphant...

Day 4: Iron Swords War

One of Israel's treasures is Doron Almog, who is decorated with many crowns. He is a recipient of the Israel Prize for Lifetime Achievement, a former major general in the Israel Defense Forces reserves,...

Article is missing a lot of important information regarding Ilan Goldberg’s views on Israel.

Ometz Lesarev: The Funding Funnel for the Shefa Fund’s Support for IDF Deserters

Memo from August 13, 2002 Dear Ometz Lesarev supporters, Last Tuesday we recieved the Military Attorney General's response to the appeal of David Zonsheine and 4 other friens of our group. The four who have joined...

End Result of Israel-PA Talks Reached 8 Years Ago: Israel’s Secret Retreat Map There is a code of silence about what is being discussed in current Israeli Palestinian negotiations. However, possible disastrous results of those talks were reached almost nine years ago. In March, 2005, Yuli Edelstein, then...

Bereaved wife solidifies suspicions her husband, Jewish rapeller Netanel Arami, was murdered by terrorism,... Unfortunately, the authorities have a consistent track record of bending over backwards to delay ruling that someone died as a result of an act of terror. 'They Cut our Livelihood and Lives in a...

Chapter 1: The Jewish People’s Right and Birthright in Jerusalem (the Historical-Religious Dispute)

Chapter 1: The Jewish People’s Right and Birthright in Jerusalem (the Historical-Religious Dispute)1 The nature of this opening chapter, which focuses on the historical-religious dimension, may seem to run counter to the practical emphasis of this...

Why Israel should recognize an independent Kurdistan

In the wake of Iranian aggression across the Middle East region, the most effective strategy that Israel can adopt to counter such a threat is to recognize an independent Kurdistan and to fully support...

Ben Gurion feedback to the Reform Movement 47 years ago was prophetic

In 1970, during my first months in Israel, I lived with two fellows who were learning at HUC, the Hebrew Union College. They very much wanted to live in Israel. Yet they and their fellow Reform...