Palestinian leader confirms he turned down Israeli peace offer

For the first time, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has confirmed on the record that Israel’s prime minster offered him a map of the borders of a Palestinian state in 2008, and he turned it...

Why does the government ​of Israel ​ not do what we do?

A friend from the US sent an inquiry to our agency: Why does the government ​of Israel ​ not do what we do? Let's look at the situation in a dispassionate manner. The government of Israel decided,...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

Netanyahu and the Grand Mufti

Journalists, chroniclers, intellectuals and historians of various horizons became plagued by a collective hysteria. Netanyahu was accused of ignorance, Holocaust denial, inciting hatred, clearing the Nazis and political opportunism. Even the German Chancellor felt...

The doublespeak of Shimon Peres

Because the wave of stabbing attacks committed by Palestinian terrorists against innocent Israeli soldiers and civilians is coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the Rabin assassination, a tired old meme about the "murder of...

The Other Casualty of the Wave of Palestinian Terror

The terror attack in Tel Aviv on October 8, 2015, when a Palestinian construction worker attacked a soldier and four other civilians in the heart of the city, has potentially far-reaching implications.  This attack...

Chapter 1: The Jewish People’s Right and Birthright in Jerusalem (the Historical-Religious Dispute)

Chapter 1: The Jewish People’s Right and Birthright in Jerusalem (the Historical-Religious Dispute)1 The nature of this opening chapter, which focuses on the historical-religious dimension, may seem to run counter to the practical emphasis of this...

What If Israel Had Given Up the Golan Heights? A Lesson for Syria’s Crisis

As Syria continues to be ravaged with no signs that the end of its crisis will produce a unified and stable (let alone pro-Western) Arab state, I wonder from time to time what would...

Obama’s Subtle Undercutting of Israeli Self-Defense

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. As he has done before, Mr. Netanyahu vowed that Israel would “do whatever it...

Fatah unit claims responsibility for murder of Israeli couple

(Over the years, JTA has hesitated to report what the Palestinian Authority conveys . Not this time.- David Bedein) A cell affiliated with Fatah’s armed wing assumed responsibility for the murder of an Israeli couple...

Eulogy by Dr. Yagil Henkin, Military Historian and Lecturer at the IDF Command and...

I want to tell you a little bit about Eitam. Eitam was a jokester. I know it's surprising to say this at a funeral, and all the more so, about a rabbi and scholar who was...