MK Aida Touma-Suleiman – Jews have no rights within Jerusalem since it is under...

MK Aida Touma-Suleiman - Jews have no rights within Jerusalem since it is under occupation Dr. Aaron Lerner 17 April 2022 In a live interview on the noon news program of Israel Radio Reshet Bet Arab Joint List...

Former lone soldier David Morel seriously injured in Shuafat terror attack

Civilian security guard David Morel, who was seriously injured in the Shuafat terror attack on Saturday evening, remains in a serious and unstable condition, Hadassah University Medical Center said in an update on Tuesday morning. 30-year-old...
Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip | Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit

US obscures truth about weapon shipments to Israel

In the ongoing dispute over weapons shipments between the United States and Israel, two possibilities emerge: either Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is lying, or the Americans are being dishonest. After careful examination, the latter...

Background on Har Homa

The decision to develop Har Homa has caused a furor among Palestinian leaders, who charge that by unilaterally deciding to build in East Jerusalem the government is endangering the peace process. David Myr also...

Jane’s Defence Weekly: Israel Warns Against Syria Obtaining New Weapons

Israel's military chiefs are urging their government to prevent Syria from obtaining US or Western aid that would allow Damascus to purchase strategic defence systems. Israeli commanders are concerned that Syria, in the wake of...

Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine Oct 23

QUOTE OF THE DAY "The Jews came here to sweep away the presence our people to transfer our people." (Ahmad Abdul-Rahman, cabinet secretary of the Palestinian Authority, in Oct 23 first morning news interview) DETAIL AND...

Rabbis for Human Rights Fabrications: A Critique of The “Olive Tree Campaign”

Throughout the centuries, Jews have suffered whenever a lie repeated often enough becomes believable. Fifty dedicated people were brought to Israel this week under the specious premise that tens of thousands of trees had been...

Palestinian Prime Minister Threatens Israel Over “Threats” to Al Aqsa

The Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmad Qreia warned Wednesday that continuing Israeli threats to Islamic holy places would lead to a regional conflagration. The Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmad Qreia warned Wednesday that continuing Israeli...

He Said He Wanted to Study: Avraham David Moses, 16, Murdered 18 Days Ago

It's been 18 days since an Arab terrorist from Jerusalem sprayed more than 500 bullets into the library of Jerusalem's finest yeshiva and mowed down eight young men while they were learning Talmud at...

The Two State Delusion IX: Why Speak Peace When Peace Is Not In...

Since 1937, when Great Britain’s Peel Commission vainly proposed a “Two-State Solution” as “a chance for ultimate peace”, Arab-Israel “peace plans” have been advanced in predictably futile succession, among them: The U.N.’s “Partition Plan...