Marines Prepared For Attack On Syria

A senior U.S. military commander said the Marine Corps sent some 2,400 soldiers to Jordan in June 2013 in what appeared to mark preparations for a war against the regime of Syrian President Bashar...

Exercises in the Art of War

The Chairman of the Palestinian Authority is nervous and speaks aggressively. Hamas and the activists get the hint: He will not oppose a little "pressure" on Israel, which will also press the Americans. The...

Questioning Twenty Premises of an Official Publication of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On April 20th, 2005, The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs distributed a multicolored, glossy brochure entitled "Israel's Disengagement Plan: Renewing the Peace Process". The brochure intermingles the philosophy of unilateral disengagement with superlatives about...

Impact of Israel’s “Disengagement” on U.S. Interests

1. Congressional oversight requires an examination (hearing) of the impact of Israel's "disengagement" (retreat) from terrorist strongholds in Gaza and Samaria on US interests in general and on the safety of US GIs in...

Expert: Prepare for war Middle East experts give their forecasts

The coming months will present Israel with strategic threats from three different directions, Dr. Boaz Ganor, founder of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism told Ynetnews. The first threat, stemming from the Shiite alliance of Iran and...

A Jewish and Democratic one-state solution

This article can also be read at /servlet/Satellite?cid=1263147876109&pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull It's difficult to write this without being framed as some sort of fanatic. Either I should fall on the Left that advocates a binational state, or...

The Palestinians’ Unilateral “Kosovo Strategy”: Implications for the PA and Israel'_Unilateral_"Kosovo_Strategy":_Implications_for_the_PA_and_Israel Dan Diker is Director of the Institute for Contemporary Affairs at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, where he is also a senior foreign policy analyst. He is also an Adjunct Fellow of the...

The Arab League and peace, after 68 years The disconnect between the past and the present in the Middle East is growing fast. Consider the anachronism called the Arab League. In December, after an "emergency meeting" called by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, Arab...

Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 18/19

SUMMARY The Palestinian Authority yesterday announced compliance with the Sharm summit understandings, but the announcement (which ran first at 2-PM on Oct. 18 and subsequently) was noteworthy for three factors: 1. It was terse. 2....

I Want the United States to Pursue the Murderers of My Son, Yaakov

I want the United States to pursue the murderers of my son, Yaakov Natan Mandell. He was a United States citizen and needs to be protected by United States law which offers a 5...