The Nakba Obsession: The Palestinian national narrative is the biggest obstacle to peace in...

A specter is haunting the prospective Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations-the specter of the Nakba. The literal meaning of the Arabic word is “disaster”; but in its current, expansive usage, it connotes a historical catastrophe inflicted...

Guest post: UNRWA – Not part of the solution but part of the problem This is another guest post by Brian Goldfarb, a frequent reader and contributor to this blog. “Not part of the solution, but part of the problem” - What is? Well, if we’re talking about the...

“The refugees from the 1948 war are now our responsibility .

In March 1968, less than a year after the Six Day War, Rabbi Eugene Weiner addressed my senior high school class at Akiba Hebrew Academy in Philadelphia, Pa. about a moral implication of that...

Israel’s Growing Role in Southern Syria As the fighting in Syria rages, Israel has been moving cautiously and often reluctantly toward assuming a modest role in the civil war, restricted to areas along the Golan Heights frontier line. What began...

Kant on Perpetual Peace and the Seeds of Another War

Two hundred years ago, an essay entitled "Perpetual Peace" by German idealist philosopher Immanuel Kant argued: "no peace treaty may be deemed valid that contains within its provisions, the seeds of another war." This seemingly...

The Revolution in Egypt: Recommendations for Israel On January 25, 2011, 7 million Egyptians, most of them young, middle class, educated city-dwellers, took to the streets and with the assistance of the army, toppled the regime of President Husni Mubarak. On...

WikiLeaks Reveals Pakistan’s Intel Deceit The explosive revelations of the “Afghan War Diary” released by WikiLeaks this week reveal several open secrets that have been well known to those who have closely followed this war for many years. First and...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: Saunday Afternoon February...

Israel Election Preview on V.O.P. On Monday night and Tuesday morning, V.O.P. ushered in the Israeli elections-with a sharp escalation of anti-Sharon rhetoric and emphasis on a military escalation in the Gaza Strip alongside the...

UN admits Israel was attacked without provocation

This dispatch can also be read online at: There has been a significant increase in attacks on Israel in recent days. * Yesterday, a senior Israeli officer was killed and another seriously wounded by a sniper...

PLO Takes Credit for Murdering an Israeli Judge

The spokesman for the mainstream organization of the PLO, the Fateh, confirmed that the Fateh indeed takes responsibility for last week's murder of Tel Aviv District Court Judge Adi Azar, the same judge who...