The war against the Jews The sustained anti-Israel de-legitimization campaign is a corollary of the millenarian obsession with the Jews in the Christian and the Muslim worlds. Since Israel is the world's only Jewish state, and since Zionism is...

PLO insists Israel release all terrorists and freeze construction in eastern Jerusalem as precondition... PLO Calls on New Israeli Government to Start Serious Peace Process RAMALLAH, January 30, 2013 (WAFA) - The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization called on the new Israeli government that will be formed...

An action plan for Syria Aleppo - Syria’s largest city, its commercial capital and an ancient heritage site - has been under relentless assault for close to a month. The siege has followed what has been called “Assad’s pattern of...

UN statehood initiative raises hopes and fears in Palestinian refugee camps initiative-raises-hopes-and-fears-in-palestinian-refugee-camps BEIRUT // Alia Hussein has lived all of her 59 years in Bourj Al Barajneh refugee camp in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital. Her nine children were also raised in the crowded camp,...

“Beat your swords into investment portfolios?”

Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel, Danny Ayalon, who is a former Israel Ambassaor to the U.S. and a leader of the Israel Beiteinu party told a group of about 70 Palestinian women - who...

Even Palestinian crossword puzzles reject Israel

Question: What is the well-known port city of Palestine? If you answered "Gaza," you'd be wrong - it's Haifa, according to crossword puzzles that appear in Palestinian media sources routinely enjoyed by Palestinians of all...

Ignoring Real Syrian Refugees to Support Fake Palestinian Ones I realize it’s been a busy week, what with ISIS beheading journalists, Russia invading Ukraine, and deadliest of all (to quote the inimitable Sultan Knish), Israel threatening to build new houses. But it’s nevertheless...

IDF Moves Into Hebron With Orders To Fire On Jews

Acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has deployed top counter-insurgency units to demolish a small Jewish neighborhood in Hebron known as "The Shalhevet Neighborhood". Israeli security sources said military and police commanders have been given...

Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan

Evans & Novak Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Aired November 29, 1997 - 5:30 p.m. ET Rowland Evans, CNN host: I'm Rowland Evans. Robert Novak and I will question one of America's most influential and most...

Looking back 25 years ago at hebrew u : when i spent Christmas in... &sec=1&title=LOOKING_BACK_25_YEARS_AGO_AT_HEBREW_ U_:_WHEN_I_SPENT_CHRISTMAS_IN_BETHLEHEM The other day when I was sorting through things in my basement I came across the brown wool floor rug that I purchased in the Arab market in the Old City for my dorm...