Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 3-4

Special Item - PA Announcement - Saturday Night, February 3, 2001 9:10 p.m. "An official spokesman for the Ministry of Information announced that what has been published in the newspapers and in the media regarding...

Sannctifying Suicide: Analysis of the Islamic Perspective

The great increase in suicide attacks in the course of this past year sparked a debate in the Arab and Moslem world on the position of Islamic religious law toward the issue of self-sacrifice...

PLO Takes Credit for Murdering an Israeli Judge

The spokesman for the mainstream organization of the PLO, the Fateh, confirmed that the Fateh indeed takes responsibility for last week's murder of Tel Aviv District Court Judge Adi Azar, the same judge who...

The Implications for Anti-Semitism World Wide

The United Nations has embarked on a dangerous path that could unleash an unprecedented campaign of State sponsored global anti-Semitism which needs to be swiftly denounced and halted in its tracks. This threatening prospect...

Rav David Yosef Reveals His Father’s Concern About the Oslo Accords: His Fear of...

On October 14th, 2004, Rabbi David Yosef was interviewed on the program INYAN ACHER of Kol Yisrael at 8:30 a.m. and was asked what the prime concerns are of his father, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef,...

A tribute from a Jewish Reporter in Jerusalem

The visit of Pope John Paul II in Israel will not be forgotten. Yet not everything went smoothly. Shortly after Pope John Paul II announced that he was coming to Israel with the genesis of the...

Apply the Principles of UNHCR to the Operation of UNRWA

The UNHCR Model The international community and most specifically the supporters of The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East, UNRWA, have for half a century countenanced a situation...

Are Israel’s Settlements Legal?

Assuming the Middle East conference actually does take place, its official task will be to achieve peace between Israel and its Levantine neighbors in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Resolution 242,...

Where Hamas Gets Its Money

Amid international condemnation of Israel, one would never guess that humanitarian aid and even cash is flowing into Hamas coffers, while its rockets continue to hit Israel. It is important to alleviate the suffering of...

Unanswered Questions Submitted to the US Consul in Jerusalem Concerning US Training of Palestinian...

22.9.09 To: Mr. Dov Schwartz, Spokesman for General Dayton From: David Bedein, Center for Near East Policy Research and Israel Resource News Agency Our agency is preparing a study of the current American military aid to the...