Review of Syria’s Missile Strategy & Iraqi Biological Weapons?

The following is an excerpt from an article which appeared in the 22nd October, 1996 edition of the London publication, Almashad Alsiasi: Syria has carried out a reorganization of its surface-to-surface missile units since 1982....

The PLO: Aiming to Bring 300,000 Arab Refugees to the Galil

Arafat intends to plant in any agreement with Israel a fuse that will eventually blow it to pieces Settling the Galilee The way Arafat envisions it, the right of return will be realized by the approximately...

A Review of:”The Oslo War: A Tale of Self-Delusion” by Dr Efraim Karsh

BESA BULLETIN,October 2003, No.16 Quote from Text: "Peres: 'We close our eyes. We don't criticize because, for peace, we must produce a partnere.' " Full Text: The ongoing Palestinian war of terror is a direct and inevitable consequence...

A Review of the New Palestinian Authority School Books

Well, Palestinian Arab children are in the midst of their sixth week of the school year. These school children are learning from new Palestinian Authority school books, made possible through grants made possible by...

Arafat’s Gone – But So What?

Ever since Mahmoud Abbas won the Palestinian presidency, the news out of Israel has been almost consistently positive. Violence against Israelis in the Occupied Territories and Israel proper is down. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon...

Canada, The Middle East Peace Process, UNRWA and “Right of Return”

Canada plays a unique and almost unreported crucial role in the Middle East Peace Process - holding the gavel of the RWG, the "refugee working group", which oversees the work of UNRWA, the United...

How Israel is Covered in the Iranian Media

Overview 1. Iranian media and spokesmen continue to demonize Israel, accusing it of complicity with the West in plotting against Iran. The so-called plots pertain both to Iran 's internal affairs (such as the recent...

The Settlements Issue: Distorting the Geneva Convention and the Oslo Accords

Published January 2011 Vol. 10, No. 20 5 January 2011 Alan Baker Palestinian representatives at the UN have prepared a draft resolution that will seek to declare that Israeli settlements are "illegal and constitute a major obstacle...

Abu Mazen’s bag of lies After the round of applause to Abu Mazen who asked the U.N. Security Council for the recognition of the Palestinian State, the Quartet tries to postpone the decision hoping for the procedures and asking...

Read Khaled Abu Toameh: Jordan’ s King Abdullah needs to wake up – Fast Facing growing criticism over lack of reforms and transparency, Jordan's King Abdullah has announced an unprecedented crackdown on corruption, sending a number of his former top government officials to prison. But the clampdown has only...