Rhonda Spivak, attorney, writer, and member of Canadian & Israel Bar Associations. BETHLEHEM- Although many Palestinians in the West Bank say they are interested in "peace," the vast majority of those encountered on a recent...

“Demographic threat” Nonexistent

Yonatan Bassi, head of the disengagement administration, justified the pullout plan (in Globes, July 29) by saying that in Gaza, "there used to be 600,000 Arabs. Now there are 1.4 million people there... in...

Israeli distrust of the Palestinian security services

Israeli security forces show great suspicion toward the Palestinian security apparatus in the West Bank despite the fact that they battle Hamas and were trained by the U.S. General Dayton. Israel assesses that a scenario of another...

The Two State Delusion VI: Jerusalem: Forgotten History and a U.S. Policy Charade

Three Thousand years ago, King David made Jerusalem his capital and Jews have aspired to live in Jerusalem ever since. Since the 1840’s, Jews have comprised the largest single group of Jerusalem’s inhabitants. Moreover,...

Overcoming Attempted Murder

Dear friends and facebook friends of friends! I am asking you to take a moment - read my story - and consider sponsoring Pia Levine as she participates in the NY Triathlon to raise funds...

A Tale of Two Rallies

On Sunday, January 30th, two rallies took place in Jerusalem, both of which reflected the tragedy of Israel's policies towards the PLO. The first was held at 3:00 p.m. on Gaza Road in Rehavia, where...

Incisive Commentary: Time for Action

Posting: October 25, 2007 "Time for Action" As these are serious times, action in the US is called for. And so I ask each of you who is a US citizen to help. Below you will find...

Syria Is Said to Be Hiding Weapons, Moving Troops As the Obama administration tries to prod Congress into backing armed action against Syria, the regime in Damascus is hiding military hardware and shifting troops out of bases into civilian areas. Politically, President Bashar Assad...

September 12, 2013: Yom Kippur Tomorrow eve ushers in the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. It is a day of personal soul searching and repentance, which we are told seals our fates for the year ahead. If we...

Commentary on Post- Cease Fire Israel Situation

The Jerusalem Post reported today that Kofi Annan is expected to recommend that the enlarged UNIFIL forces that will deploy in Lebanon will be given rules of engagement that permit opening fire on Hezbollah....