When World Leaders Forget that the US Congress Must Foot the Bill

While the Bush-Sharon Summit focused on mutual threats (e.g. Iran and Islamic terrorism), it has highlighted a few basic misunderstandings - in Israel - concerning the US political system, US-Israel relations and Disengagement. For example,...

‘Camp Jihad’: U.N.-Sponsored Camps Encourage Palestinian Kids to Destroy Israel

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/14/camp-jihad-u-n-sponsored-camps-encourage-palestinian-kids-to-destroy-israel/ Summer at United Nations-funded camps in Gaza and the northern West Bank include playing with parachutes, jumping on trampolines, and racing down inflatable slides. In between those kid-friendly activities, counselors convey belligerent, anti-Semitic lessons to...

U.S. Drug Ring Tied to Aid for Hezbollah

WASHINGTON, September 2 (AP) Federal investigators say an illegal drug operation in the Midwest, run by men of Middle Eastern descent, funneled proceeds to Middle East terrorist groups like Hezbollah. Since the ring was smashed...


http://tinyurl.com/yz55vqc Most recently, Israeli President Shimon Peres remarked to the European Union’s Middle East Envoy Miguel Moratinos, that the time has come to revive the dormant Refugee Working Group, comprised of 38 nations, chaired by...

Al-Ahram: Hamas/PA Relations, Bin Laden

Dead or Alive? by Tareq Hassan "Some PA officials were quoted as saying.... was much weaker than originally thought; "as scary as a cat", some said." Excerpts Palestinian police lifted tight restrictions imposed earlier this week on...

Annapolis Summit: Plans Are On, Gaps Remain

The die is cast. The Annapolis summit is on. On Monday, the Israeli Ministry of Finance received Knesset Finance Committee Approval for a $1.5 million budget to cover the Israeli government costs of expenses pertaining...

News Analysis

One gets the feeling that if he could -- without losing his coalition -- Netanyahu would: cave on extending the freeze, that is. And so, it is the strength of those coalition members we...

Morsi detained, bloodbath in Egypt

http://www.meforum.org/3588/morsi-detained-bloodbath-egypt As Egypt explodes in what could be civil war, with a reported death toll of at least 628 dead and rising in clashes between security forces and Islamists that began August 14, many are...

The Hidden Clauses of Oslo

One senior Israeli Foreign Ministry official has documented the Israel-PLO negotiations and through a second-party permitted them to be leaked to the Israeli media. The story told is a shocking indictment of Deputy Foreign Minister...

From Israel: Getting Hotter

The Security Cabinet today approved attacks against Islamic Jihad and Hamas commanders responsible for the current Kassam escalation. There will be both air and ground operations, with attacks on arms supplies as well. And, indeed,...