BLIND TO TERROR: THE U.S. GOVERNMENT’S DISASTROUS MUSLIM OUTREACH EFFORTS AND THE IMPACT ON... Why has the U.S. government called certain Islamic groups supporters of terror in federal court, and then turned around and called these same organizations “moderates” and embraced them as outreach partners? In a number...


Jordan Opens Desert Refugee CampMiddle East Newsline Jordan has opened a massive Syrian refugee camp deep in the desert. The United Nations has overseen a Jordanian tent city that could house up to 130,000 people who...

Getting Ready to Take on Iran? Jerusalem Bombing Linked to Iran?

The Israelis are very worried about Iran. And the Israelis are the major force in the U.S. pushing Washington to confront Iran. As was the case with Iraq just a few years ago, partly...

“Most of what I’ve heard from this panel is BULLSHIT.”

There are many reasons the Israeli/Jewish lobby rules in Washington with hardly any effective opposition. One of the main reasons is that the various Arab-American organizations that exist are all controlled, manipulated, and usually paralyzed...

Ten Days in the Life of the Palestine Authority

Palestinians wary of Israeli ratification of Wye The Palestinian Authority has expressed displeasure with the ratification by the Cabinet of the Wye Plantation agreement. This, despite a meeting by Israeli envoy Yitzhak Molcho with PA...

The Real War has Begun

What we saw up until now was just the preface, with a strong opening chord in Ramallah. This war even has a new name, albeit not officially. "This war should be called the 'war...

Arafat Remains in Charge, Says Abu Mazen

Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) said President Yasser Arafat (Abu Ammar) remains in charge despite a US and Israeli refusal to deal with him, and said his stamp of approval should precede...

Iran And The Holocaust:Cause For Concern

As a student of modern Jewish history and anti-Semitism, I have always tried to refrain from using the term "Holocaust" for rhetorical purposes. But this time, Holocaust Memorial Day is different, so it seems,...

Letter supports charge Baker skirted sanctions: Businessman contends ex-secretary of state used middleman to...

An Israeli businessman who says he served as a broker in a multimillion-dollar Iraqi collection effort by the law firm of former Secretary of State James Baker has released a document to WND indicating...

Testimony presented to: Hearing of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia...

February 14, 2007 2172 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. Chaired By: Representative Gary L. Ackerman (D-NY) Witnesses: David Makovsky, Director, Project on the Middle East Peace Process, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy; Martin S. Indyk, Director, Saban...