‘A’ Is for Arafat, ‘B’ Is for Bethlehem. Skip Zion.

RAMALLAH, West Bank, Sept. 7 Inside a modern, secular private school here, the first-grade boys and girls stuffed their Pokemon and Barbie backpacks into their cubbies and gathered on the blue rug for story...

How the Settler Suburbs Grew

Beer Sheva, Israel - There is nothing that causes as much heated debate in Israel as the future of the settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. It is now clear to most Israelis...

Briefing with Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee

Yuval Steinitz was a Professor of Philosophy and a Peace Now activist. In 1994, when he saw that Oslo was a disaster, he did a great deal of soul searching and joined the Likud...

The Disengagement Plan’s Ten Questionable Premises

1. "The successful withdrawal from Southern Lebanon is a precedent for everything that will take place in Gaza and Northern Samaria after the withdrawal from these areas". Deputy prime minister, Minister Ehud Olmert, said in...

Commentary: The Political Horizom

Yesterday the polls were released that Likud is way up in a recent poll and Kadima has pretty much fallen on its face. Today I am additionally encouraged. Netanyahu has addressed a meeting of...

Education for war: Delegitimization, Demonization, and Violence

Reviewed by Arlene Kushner, Senior Policy Research Analyst, Center for Near East Policy Research Ltd. The American Jewish Committee, in cooperation with The Institute for Monitoring the Impact of Peace and Tolerance in School Education...

A Diary of Newsworthy Insight

Posting: May 12, 2008 "Inspiration" Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, delivered a speech for Israel's 60th. It is so extraordinary that I must lead off with this today: "All of my life, Israel has been a...

IDF: Jenin forces not fighting terror

Hours after US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in Jerusalem on Sunday, top defense officials and IDF officers slammed a recently-launched US initiative, under which Palestinian soldiers have deployed in Nablus and Jenin. According...

America’s Shiny New Palestinian Militia

No matter how events play out, this story ends with U.S.-trained soldiers pointing their guns at Israel. ‘The stupidest program the U.S. government has ever undertaken” - last year that’s what I called American efforts...


It has been reported that U.S. President Barack Obama recently pressed Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to continue the American program for helping the Palestinian Authority upgrade its security forces That program in question began...