http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=4046&sec=1&title=EDITOR%27S_DISPATCH_FROM_THE_DAVID_CITADEL_HOTEL:__HARPER_WOWS_ISRAEL There is no question that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is very popular in Israel and that Canada is considered Israel's best friend in the world. As a driver for one of Israel's Knesset members from...

Passionate, Heated Debates Over The “Peace Process” Have Nothing To Do With Reality

http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/08/passionate-debate-over-peace-process-nothing-to-do-with-reality There is a great deal of heat and passion about the difference between "left" and "right" views in Israel. Yet these gaps, at least during this era, are far less significant than people think....

Exit PA, Enter Egypt

Al Ayyam, Oct. 9, 2005 Seeking shelter from Palestinian gun battles. Executive Summary: Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has agreed to a virtual Egyptian takeover of the Gaza Strip and has invited other Arab regimes to plant...

An Update on the Legality of Jewish Settlement Activity

A report was presented on February 21st, 2006 by "Bitselem" which claims that Israel's policies of settling Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, in areas that came under Israel's control after the 1967...

The Palestinian Security Forces and the Second Intifada

Presentation given at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on July 24th, 2003 (Presentation hosted by the Center For Near East Policy Research and the Israel Resource News Agency) Copyright © Gal Luft Introduction In the period...

America’s Shiny New Palestinian Militia

No matter how events play out, this story ends with U.S.-trained soldiers pointing their guns at Israel. ‘The stupidest program the U.S. government has ever undertaken” - last year that’s what I called American efforts...

Israel’s War for Standing in the Media

"They may have won all the battles. We had all the good songs" Tom Lehrer, That Was The Year That Was - 1966. "When you promote our cause, never say that it is a military struggle...

Not the peace we expected with Egypt

Egypt's behavior in Sinai and along the Philadelphi route, which enables the large-scale arming of terror organizations, requires a reexamination of Israeli policy. Many people have become convinced in recent months that Egypt intends...

The Threat of the “Salafi Crescent

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: While Israel and the West are focused on the Iranian threat, another dangerous entity is emerging in the Middle East. Attempts by al-Qaeda and other radical Sunni Islamist groups to challenge the...

The Two State Delusion VII: Changing Arab Perspectives:Iran

The Obama administration argues the extreme urgency of achieving the “Two-State Solution” as necessary to gain support from the Arab states in our conflict with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Certainly we want any...