The Renewed Gaza War on Israel

Last Wednesday, Grad Katyusha rockets were fired into southern Israel from Gaza. On Saturday afternoon, the Israel Air Force hit a terrorist squad in Gaza that was preparing to launch additional long-range rockets. Reportedly,...

How the U.S. Government Should Deal With the Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital Issue Recently there has been a controversy when State Department spokespeople refused to say what they thought to be Israel’s capital. To understand this issue we need to understand that there are two different issues...

A Disaster Waiting to Happen – an exclusive report for J-Wire A report prepared by the Israel Resource News Agency Director, David Bedein, dealing with the training and arming of Palestinian Arab Authority security forces, is about to be released imminently. This explosive expose of...

PLO insists Israel release all terrorists and freeze construction in eastern Jerusalem as precondition... PLO Calls on New Israeli Government to Start Serious Peace Process RAMALLAH, January 30, 2013 (WAFA) - The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization called on the new Israeli government that will be formed...

A Disaster Waiting to Happen – an exclusive report for J-Wire A report prepared by the Israel Resource News Agency Director, David Bedein, dealing with the training and arming of Palestinian Arab Authority security forces, is about to be released imminently. This explosive expose of...

Verify chemical weapons use before unleashing the dogs of war The Obama administration has selectively used intelligence to justify military strikes on Syria, former military officers with access to the original intelligence reports say, in a manner that goes far beyond what critics charged...

The legal case for Judea and Samaria If international legitimacy for the settlement enterprise were a horse, one could say that it's been long out of the barn. Those roaming the halls of power worldwide -- from the White House in...

The U.N.’s ‘Year of Solidarity’ with the Palestinians In yet another display of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel bias, the United Nations decided that observing the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People annually on November 29th was simply not enough. November 29th was...

Palestinians denounce ‘financial blackmail’ ? Hebron, Occupied West Bank - Palestinian leaders have reacted angrily to what they see as a veiled threat by the European Union over the dispersal of financial aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA)...

Egypt Blames Gaza For SAMs

Egypt has blamed the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip for supplying weapons that downed an attack helicopter in the Sinai Peninsula. Officials said the Gaza Strip has become a source of surface-to-air missiles to Al Qaida-aligned militias...