The Current State of Peres

After years of speculation that the architects of the Sharon plan had an economic motivation up their sleeve, Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres, the original architect of the Oslo process, told the AP that...

Living in the Only Place in the World Where There are No Human Rights...

This morning, I came to my office at the press center in Jerusalem at 9:45 a.m. and was greeted with two new dissonant realities within minutes. An official letter from the Israel Government Lands Authority...

Where is UNRWA Going After the Withdrawal from Katif?

In early November, shortly after Israel had pulled out of Gaza, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom met with UNRWA's new commissioner-general, Karen AbuZayd. Shalom suggested, during that meeting, that it might be time for...

Commentary: The Pope’s Statement; Questiona about Yaalon; Livni and Abbas

It seems as if the Pope has told it like it is with regard to Islam -- referring in an academic context to a propensity within this religion for violence. And see what happened:...

Israel – The American Interest

The question of whether Israel is or is not an asset to the United States is one we rarely bother to ask ourselves. Time and again, we see prominent Americans -- presidents of the...

Is the Olmert Administration taking the situation in Gaza seriously?

This week the IDF pulled out from the Philadelphi Corridor after only searching some 10% of the 15 kilometer long band that separates between Egyptian Sinai and the Gaza Strip. The soldiers weren't withdrawn because...

Commentary: The Danger of Hudna

This past week Ma'ariv reported on a tentative plan being worked on, and reportedly covertly discussed between Israelis and Palestinians, that would involve a pullback from substantial parts of Judea-Samaria, establishment of a "provisional"...

FACTBOX-How rival Palestinian armed factions stack up

Here's how the Palestinian armed rivals stack up militarily: ABBAS'S PRESIDENTIAL GUARD With U.S. backing, Abbas's elite presidential guard has grown to at least 4,000 men, up from 2,500 members when Hamas took power in March. Last...

Will the US decision to arm the Palestinian Authority’s Military Capability Backfire on the...

The day after the armed forces of Palestinian Authority President Machmud Abbas shared credit for the bombing of a bakery in the Israeli port city of Elat which claimed the lives of three young...

The Illusion of “Peace in Exchange for Territories”

For years, especially since the 1991 Madrid Peace Conference, Arab leaders have repeated the mantra that peace with Israel hinges upon a withdrawal to the pre-1967 border. Similar rhetoric followed with the Arab Summit's...