The Ultimate `Settlements are not the Problem’ Article It must be a new year. The Washington Post has an editorial explaining that Israeli settlements are not the main problem in the Middle East. The Post editorial is amazing since such sanity is so...

King Abdullah Warns Against ‘Extremist’ Arab Alliance King Abdullah II of Jordan warned against the formation of a new Arab alliance controlled by "extremism." The king openly attacked two Arab states and another regional state for seeking to launch a "new...

Looking back 25 years ago at hebrew u : when i spent Christmas in... &sec=1&title=LOOKING_BACK_25_YEARS_AGO_AT_HEBREW_ U_:_WHEN_I_SPENT_CHRISTMAS_IN_BETHLEHEM The other day when I was sorting through things in my basement I came across the brown wool floor rug that I purchased in the Arab market in the Old City for my dorm...

Shut That Window of Opportunity, Please Almost lost in the terrible events in Boston is the Obama administration's dire warning this week that the window for diplomatic success in the Middle East is closing -- not on Iran's quest for...

The ‘refugee’ diversion Words play a central role in the conflict with the Palestinians. They influence the way we perceive it, as well as the probability of finding a solution. That is why it is strange that...

Ending illusion of peace-seeking Abbas,7340,L-4512842,00.html Mahmoud Abbas ' decision to join forces with the Hamas terror organization, whether it happens or not, is nothing other than a slap in the face of anyone who saw him as a "partner,"...

ISIS: A Risk Assessment Recent events in Iraq are liable to give new impetus to the ideas and the path that ISIS represents, which are shared by many terrorist organizations operating in the Middle East and beyond. Its...

Minister Sharon, MKs Yahalom & Eitan, Levran

All interviews were carried out in Hebrew on 1st June. All appear in their entirety. Minister of Infrastructure Ariel Sharon IMRA: Is the Netanyahu Government developing today its opening position for the negotiations with the Palestinians...

Towards an Arab Comprehensive Strategy For Peace

If one reviews the peace process since its launching after the U.S. aggression against Iraq in which the Syrian regime participated, s/he will realize why the Syrians looked for a peace settlement with the...

Official PA Radio News: Voice of Palestine January 1, 2001

Summary and Analysis VOP ended its holiday schedule following the month of Ramadan and the Festival of the Feast ('Eid al-Fitr), but it entered into the day of the 36th anniversary of the founding of...