“Peace Now” Delegation Visits with Arafat

At 11:30 a.m. yesterday, an assistant to PA Chairman Yasser Arafat came into his office in Gaza, carrying a small note. Arafat, without glasses, carefully read the note. Then he turned the note over...

UNRWA director in Jordan: UNRWA Camps are the Greenhouses of Suicide Bombers

Source: Al-Bayan (UAE), 31st July 2002. http://www.albayan.co.ae/albayan/alarbea/2002/issue143/axis/1.htm...UNRWA schools are greenhouses for suicide bombers. UNRWA director of activities in Jordan argued in that meeting of UNRWAs' teachers that the majority of those who commit...

Hamas Conference on the Grounds of an UNRWA school

Source: Hamas website, www.palestine-info.info/arabic/palestoday/dailynews/2001/july01/7-7/details.htm On July 6th 2001 the Hamas movement convened a conference in a school in the UNRWA Jabalya refugee camp (in Gaza) with the participation of the Palestinian Legislative Council, the school's...

UNRWA Palestinian Refugee Camps: Will U.S. Dollars Fuel a Future War with Israel?

www.CBN.com (CBN News) - No issue fans the flames of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more than the so-called "right of return" to Israel for Palestinian refugees. Israelis say the influx of nearly four million Arabs...

False Hopes

One of the most striking aspects of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Gaza withdrawal initiative is how little time and energy he has spent explaining and selling his plan to the Israeli public. Both his...

Arafat’s Heir

Krauthammer neglects say to that the PLO, which Abbas co-founded with Arafat 40 years ago, has yet to repeal the PLO Covenant which mandates that the PLO maintain its state of war with Israel...

“Evacuation Liable to Fatally Damage Water”

"The implementation of the disengagement plan in northern Samaria will make it possible for the Palestinians-on the assumption that there is no coordination and agreement with Israel-to pump 50 million cubic meters of water...

U.N. Agency Balks At Transferring Duties To Palestinians

A U.N. agency dedicated to the welfare of Palestinian Arabs is resisting Israel's suggestion that it hand over some of its responsibilities in Gaza to the Palestinian Authority. The idea was raised by Israel's foreign...


Israel has determined that Iranian-financed weapons to the Palestinian Authority flow through a port in Egypt. Israeli officials said many of the weapons ordered by the Hamas-led PA and aligned insurgency groups stem from Sudan's...


Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, addressed a preplanned meeting of his Kadima faction of the Israeli Knesset parliament only two hours after the terror attack in Israel's port city of Eilat. His described the...