A Review of:”The Oslo War: A Tale of Self-Delusion” by Dr Efraim Karsh

BESA BULLETIN,October 2003, No.16 Quote from Text: "Peres: 'We close our eyes. We don't criticize because, for peace, we must produce a partnere.' " Full Text: The ongoing Palestinian war of terror is a direct and inevitable consequence...

Looking back 25 years ago at hebrew u : when i spent Christmas in...

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=3178 &sec=1&title=LOOKING_BACK_25_YEARS_AGO_AT_HEBREW_ U_:_WHEN_I_SPENT_CHRISTMAS_IN_BETHLEHEM The other day when I was sorting through things in my basement I came across the brown wool floor rug that I purchased in the Arab market in the Old City for my dorm...

Commentary: The Political Horizom

Yesterday the polls were released that Likud is way up in a recent poll and Kadima has pretty much fallen on its face. Today I am additionally encouraged. Netanyahu has addressed a meeting of...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 23-24

Tuesday Night, January 23rd "The National Authority condemns the killing of two Israeli civilians and is beginning an investigation into the details of the incident; Israel suspends the talks in Taba until after the funeral of...

The Forces the Brought Crown Prince Hassan Down

The following is an adaptation of an article that appeared in The Wall Street Journal European Edition on Monday, January 25, 1999. One might question the wisdom of the Clinton Administration's ongoing attempts to secure...

PLO insists Israel release all terrorists and freeze construction in eastern Jerusalem as precondition...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=59925 PLO Calls on New Israeli Government to Start Serious Peace Process http://english.wafa.ps/index.php?action=detail&id=21584 RAMALLAH, January 30, 2013 (WAFA) - The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization called on the new Israeli government that will be formed...

Worse and Worser

The truth: There is no entirely satisfactory resolution to our war with Hamas (the war that is not called a war). Aside, of course, from that “ultimate” resolution in which we would fully retake Gaza...

Commentary: Eternal Palestinian refugees

http://www.sacbee.com/2011/09/22/3930876/ commentary-eternal-palestinian.html As Palestinians seek recognition as a state from the UN this week, many wonder what impact such a move might have on the 4.6 million Palestinians who are refugees from the 1948 Israel War...


http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=4046&sec=1&title=EDITOR%27S_DISPATCH_FROM_THE_DAVID_CITADEL_HOTEL:__HARPER_WOWS_ISRAEL There is no question that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is very popular in Israel and that Canada is considered Israel's best friend in the world. As a driver for one of Israel's Knesset members from...

Comprehensive Report: What Message Has Arafat’s PBC Radio Newsreel Conveyed Since the September 11...

The Palestinian Authority has actually escalated the war-making component of its propaganda organs: Voice of Palestine Radio and Palestinian Television---even as it tells the West that it is entering a cease fire with Israel. In...