Who’s Against a Two-State Solution?

http://www.meforum.org/2689/against-two-state-solution "Two states, living side by side in peace and security." This, in the words of President Barack Obama, is the solution to the century-long conflict between Jews and Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East....

Arafat lies about his birthplace

What a difference a birthplace makes: How, contrary to the facts, was Arafat born in Jerusalem? One of the pieces of information leaked to the Arabs at Camp David (to Muhammad el-Abzi of the international...

Anatomy of US Embassy Response to Official PA Policy

Preface Throughout the day on Thursday, January 29th, 2004, the PLO's mainstream Fateh celebrated the fact that it had taken credit for murdering a dozen Jews and maiming another 40 Jews in Jerusalem. As the...

What Abbas Missed in His UN Speech

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4001/abbas-un-speech As Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was delivering his speech at the General Assembly of the United Nations last week, one of his officials in Ramallah revealed that 250,000 out of the approximately 600,000...

May 16, 2013: Dead Serious

http://www.arlenefromisrael.info/current-postings/ The NYTimes ran a piece yesterday in which it directly quoted a "senior Israeli official" -- who according to the JPost had contacted the Times (emphasis added): "Israel is determined to continue to prevent the...

Are Israel’s Settlements Legal?

Assuming the Middle East conference actually does take place, its official task will be to achieve peace between Israel and its Levantine neighbors in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Resolution 242,...

Welfare for Fake Palestinian ‘Refugees’

http://frontpagemag.com/2012/06/01/welfare-for-fake-palestinian-refugees-not-in-americas-interest/ Each century brings forth its own patriots. Once upon a time we had Patrick Henry, today we have Senator Patrick Leahy, who declared in the Senate that his opposition to an amendment that would...

A Toxic Brew in Sinai

http://www.jinsa.org/fellowship-program/jinsa-fellows/toxic-brew-sinai To grasp how badly the security situation in Sinai has deteriorated, one fact suffices: Israel now receives as many intelligence warnings about Sinai-based terror plots as it does about terror from Gaza. This, obviously, is...

Guest post: UNRWA – Not part of the solution but part of the problem

http://anneinpt.wordpress.com/2013/10/10/guest-post-unrwa-not-part-of-the-solution-but-part-of-the-problem/ This is another guest post by Brian Goldfarb, a frequent reader and contributor to this blog. “Not part of the solution, but part of the problem” - What is? Well, if we’re talking about the...

What’s Wrong with Going into Syria

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/robert-spencer/whats-wrong-with-going-into-syria/ American military intervention in Syria is likely to begin this week, and one thing we know amid the general confusion is that the objective is not to oust Bashar Assad: White House spokesman Jay...