“Radwan and Me: A Personal Perspective of the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation”

Summary Three weeks ago, this writer requested an interview with Radwan Abu Ayyash, the Chairman of Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (P.B.C.), in Ramallah. P.B.C. is the parent of Voice of Palestine radio and Palestine television in...

The Growth of Efrat – In Perspective

Thursday, February 19, 2009 News Item: "West Bank Settlement Gets Green Light for Major Expansion" -- Ha'aretz, February 16, 2009 Efrat - That headline above now echoes around the world. Criticism from Al Jazeera was...

European Parliament Starting to Understand the Truth about Israel and the “Palestinians”

http://www.israpundit.com/archives/54064 Many in the European Parliament simply don’t know the facts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. When you present data, and especially when you bring them to the field, their automatic support for the Palestinians begins...

UN admits Israel was attacked without provocation

This dispatch can also be read online at: www.tomgrossmedia.com/mideastdispatches/archives/001129.html There has been a significant increase in attacks on Israel in recent days. * Yesterday, a senior Israeli officer was killed and another seriously wounded by a sniper...

The organizations participating in the campaign to delegitimize Israel plan a series of propaganda...

http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/pdf/hamas_e153.pdf Overview 1. The organizations in the Middle East and around the globe participating in the campaign to delegitimize Israel chose March 30, the day Israeli Arabs have marked Land Day since 1976, to hold a...

Palestinian Authority Textbooks: Another View

In 1999 and 2000, I conducted research on the establishment of the new Palestinian curriculum by collecting documents, textbooks, and interviewing Palestinian educators. Since that time, I have continued the research by continuing to...

Iranian airlift sends more arms to Hezbollah – via Damascus Int’l Airport

Iran has transfered hundreds of tons of weapons, ammunition and other materials to the Hezbollah through Syria in recent days, according to reliable sources. The deliveries were airlifted in by giant Antonov 124 transport...

Peace Will not be Achieved While the Palestinian Refugees are Denied eir right of...

Gaza 15th May 2001 Wafa- (Official Palestine News Agency) President Yasser Arafat said today in a televised speech broadcasted by all Palestinian medias on the 53rd anniversary of Alnakba that the Israeli military force escalation...