Timmerman Calls for Congressional Investigation into Iran 9/11 Ties

http://timmermanforcongress.netboots.net/posts/timmerman-calls-for-congressional-investigation-into-iran-911-ties Kensington, MD - September 12, 2012 - Republican Congressional candidate Ken Timmerman said he will push for a Congressional investigation into the government of Iran’s ties to the 9/11 attacks. Speaking at a luncheon in...

Egypt “On the Verge of Bankruptcy”

http://www.jinsa.org/fellowship-program/david-p-goldman/egypt-verge-bankruptcy#.UOHrjeSTjEY Egypt is effectively out of cash. With foreign exchange reserves at a “critical minimum,” Egypt’s central bank imposed exchange controls and let the Egyptian pound exchange rate fall by about 5 percent from the...

How Sharon Can Implement His Plan Without Knesset Approval or Israel Finance Ministry Funding

Giora Eiland, head of the Israel National Security Council, working directly under the authority invested in him by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,informed the foreign media on June 20th, 2004 that Arik Sharon cannot...

Following the elections, Mideast peace negotiations should resume

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3432/mideast-peace-negotiations I was invited to meet with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority just before he spoke to the General Assembly of the United Nations. I came to the meeting with an agenda: to persuade...

The Harmless Children of Hezbollah?: A German Perspective

Germans are squabbling about whether Israel's military strikes against Lebanon are justified. But how else can Israel defend itself against Hezbollah rockets? By staging sit-down protests along the Israeli-Lebanese border, perhaps? Should Israel stop defending...

Israel Renews Construction Supply Sale To Gaza

An area where Israel continues to cope with is the world wide campaign against Israel’s restrictions of potentially lethal exports into Gaza. Since the Hamas terror takeover of Gaza in June 2007, Israel did halt...

View from Fourth Circle: The Real, Historic Dangers, Opportunities in the Middle East

Cloak-and-dagger-style assassination attempts, urban car chases, midnight releases from jail, rumours of detainee swaps, and on-again,off-again diplomatic negotiations dominate the news headlines in the Middle East these days - but don't be fooled, for...

UN refugee agency poisons the push for Mideast peace: UNRWA only furthers Palestinians’ suffering

http://articles.nydailynews.com/2011-06-03/news/29631722_1_palestinian-refugees-palestine-refugees-unrwa When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came out of his lengthy sitdown with President Obama, he focused as much on the question of the right of return of Palestinian refugees as he did on...

PA Leader Faisal Huseini: PA Plans War 4th May, 1999

"We are willing to die; for them every death is a tragedy..." Oslo is dead and buried. The Palestinian youth, especially in the refugee camps, wants to start fighting again, and we are having...

Who’s Against a Two-State Solution?

http://www.meforum.org/2689/against-two-state-solution "Two states, living side by side in peace and security." This, in the words of President Barack Obama, is the solution to the century-long conflict between Jews and Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East....