Some US Congressional leaders worry that Gaza pullout amounts to appeasement

Nobody in the Republican-controlled Congress wants to be seen as opposing the wishes of both Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the Bush administration. But quietly, the unilateral Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip...

Policy Statements and Actions of PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen)

GAZA, February 20, 2005(IPC+ Al-Ayam)- The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, renowned as "Abu Mazen" stated on Saturday that he is seeking to clinch a deal for cease fire with the armed resistance factions not to...

Beneath the Moderate Veneer

"If anyone deserves to be given a chance, this is the guy." So declared Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, referring to PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), in an address just this past...

A Text Analysis of the Palestinian State Constitution

I. Introduction A. Why a Palestinian State Constitution More than anything else, the Palestinian State Constitution represents the attempt to present to the world the face of a modern Palestinian state. The constitution is meant to...

Professor Elmasry’s Broken Pledge to Allah

When Professor Elmasry a panelist on Canadian talk show "Michael Coren Live" answered Coren's question "Anyone and everyone in Israel - irrespective of gender-over the age of 18 is a valid target?" with, "Yes,...

Mortar Attacks on Israelis from UN Safe Haven

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman, sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Sunday, October 3rd, 2004, demanding the dismissal of Peter Hansen from his position as commissioner-general of UNRWA...

Sidebar: Nixon tapes and the Arafat’s murders in Khartoum

The web site draws some interesting e-mail and comment from knowledgeable people who read it. On February 10, 2002, I received a call from Jim Welsh in Oregon (James J. Welsh), who had...

UNRWA director in Jordan: UNRWA Camps are the Greenhouses of Suicide Bombers

Source: Al-Bayan (UAE), 31st July 2002. schools are greenhouses for suicide bombers. UNRWA director of activities in Jordan argued in that meeting of UNRWAs' teachers that the majority of those who commit...

Hamas Conference on the Grounds of an UNRWA school

Source: Hamas website, On July 6th 2001 the Hamas movement convened a conference in a school in the UNRWA Jabalya refugee camp (in Gaza) with the participation of the Palestinian Legislative Council, the school's...

Results of the UNRWA Union Elections: VICTORY for HAMAS

Source: Al-Watan (Kuwait) 11 June, 2003 Hamas followers won a remarkable victory in the elections to the clerks union of UNRWA in the Gaza strip gaining 23 out of the 27 seats. 6780 from...