Egypt: Iraq May Attack Israel, “All Hell Would Break Loose”
The following are excerpts from an article which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, Al-Ahram of Al-Ahram Weekly 5th - 11th February, 1998
Front page headline:
by Dina Ezzat, Galal Nassar and Nevine Khalil
Cairo worked...
Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner
Posting: August 2, 2007
"Hot Air"
It's hot air, all right. Foul hot air, but air none the less. Consider all of the following:
Abbas, who cannot get his act together and couldn't run a nation if...
Israel at Peace
Those concerned with the security and welfare of the Jewish state keep asking questions like "Is Israel Doomed? " and Will Israel Survive? (also in French, Israël peut-il survivre? ). One even titled a...
The Palestinian refugees — a reality check
Western policymakers and media have misconstrued/misrepresented the Palestinian refugee issue, ignoring its global context and core data. Moreover, the Palestinian claim of dispossession -- which impacts the U.S. financial aid to UNRWA, and is...
The New Arab Apartheid
From the link (Hebrew ×"×פרט×"×™×™×" ×"ערבי):
May 14, 2011
The real “nakba,” which is the story of the Arab apartheid. Tens of millions, among them Jews, suffered from the “nakba,” which included dispossession, expulsion and displacement....
Files Reveal Neo-Nazis Helped Palestinian Terrorists
The men who were arrested in the Munich house of former Waffen-SS member Charles Jochheim late on Oct. 27, 1972 were armed like soldiers on their way to the front. In one suitcase,...
Shimon Peres: Overthrow Saddam. Mideast’s Villain: It’s Not Islam; It’s Saddam
President Clinton deserves every praise for "Desert Fox." Yet it, too, did not resolve the Iraqi dilemma: Iraq is still controlled by a pathological despot who initiated bloody battles with his neighbors (Iran in...
Press Conference by Minister Louis Farrakhan of Nation of Islam
The Secretary-General was successful in his efforts to avert a catastrophe that could have affected the whole world because he spoke on behalf of the Security Council and also because he listened to the...
Obama’s Legacy and the Iranian Bomb: Neville Chamberlain was remembered for appeasing Germany, not...
The gravest threat faced by the world today is a nuclear-armed Iran. Of all the nations capable of producing nuclear weapons, Iran is the only one that might use them to attack an enemy.
Amb Prosor addresses UNGA debate on “The Question of Palestine”
Mr. President,
A great Jewish sage once wrote, "The truth can hurt like a thorn, at first; but in the end it blossoms like a rose."
His words came to my mind today. His insight could...