Turkey, the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and the Gaza Flotilla

CONCLUSIONS 1. The Gaza Flotilla Was Supported by the Turkish Government There is strong evidence for Turkish governmental involvement in the Gaza flotilla incident, including the office of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. As this report demonstrates, Turkish government...

(Rejecting the Notion of the “Iranian-supported Gaza Regime”) Thanks to International Aid, Gaza Is...

http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/12/gaza-going-to-be-well-off-islamist-republic The Gaza Strip is doing really well economically and the Hamas regime seems set to go on forever. It's raking in the aid money but every dollar and every project is shaped to ensure...

The West’s Iran ian Policy: What Exactly Went Wrong? The Rise of Nuclear Iran:...

Published November 2010 Jewish Political Studies Review 22:3-4 (Fall 2010) Dore Gold, former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, has used his expertise to describe the challenges of our times and call policymakers to action. For...

News Analysis: Wiki Leaks Puts an End to the Notion of a Link Between...

Obama and company have been insisting, with enormous perversity, that "peace" between Israel and the PA was necessary in order to make the "moderate" Arab states happy, and that until these states were satisfied,...

Why Israel is a rogue state [Gabriel Latner]

In October there was a debate in Cambridge; the proposition - "Israel is a rogue state". Gabriel Latner was the Cambridge University law student who was assigned by the Cambridge Union debating society to...

The Arab Lobby: The European Component

In the early 1980s, there was a palpable concern among staffers at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) of the looming rise of an Arab-American lobby aimed at challenging the pro-Israel community. The National Association of...

The Saudi Arms Deal

On August 13, 2010, several reports appeared in the US media on plans by the Obama administration to sell arms to Saudi Arabia valued at $60 billion over a period of ten years. The reported deal...

Who’s Against a Two-State Solution?

http://www.meforum.org/2689/against-two-state-solution "Two states, living side by side in peace and security." This, in the words of President Barack Obama, is the solution to the century-long conflict between Jews and Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East....

The False Religion of Mideast Peace And why I’m no longer a believer.

www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/04/19/the_false_religion_of_mideast_peace?print=yes&hidecomments=yes&page=full On October 18, 1991, against long odds and in front of an incredulous press corps, U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III and Soviet Foreign Minister Boris Pankin announced that Arabs and Israelis were being...

Obama’s Legacy and the Iranian Bomb: Neville Chamberlain was remembered for appeasing Germany, not...

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704869304575110042827617582.html The gravest threat faced by the world today is a nuclear-armed Iran. Of all the nations capable of producing nuclear weapons, Iran is the only one that might use them to attack an enemy. There...