Israel Worried Over Syrian Plan

Officials said the sudden reversal by President Barack Obama, who pressured Israel and American Jews to support an attack on Syria, suggested that the administration was pursuing a reconciliation with Iran. They said Teheran...

U.S. Builds Israeli Military Bunker The United States has launched a project to build a massive bunker for Israel's military. The Defense Department has awarded a U.S. company a contract to build a bunker for Israel's military. The Pentagon awarded...

A United States Attack on Syria: Implications for Israel INSS On Wednesday, August 28, 2013, President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron affirmed that a chemical weapons attack had taken place in Syria the previous week and "there was no doubt that...

Chemical Watershed: Momentum Shifts again in Syrian Civil War Two and a half years after the beginning of the uprising, Damascus has become an eerily empty city. The streets were deserted last Friday evening in the remaining regime-controlled districts -- from Bab Tuma...

President Obama’s Shift on Syria and Western Strategy Vol. 13, No. 24 1 September 2013 The Syrian regime is far weaker than most observers think. Rebel forces are continuing to gain momentum in all districts. The regime’s dire situation is manifested in its...

Syria Is Said to Be Hiding Weapons, Moving Troops As the Obama administration tries to prod Congress into backing armed action against Syria, the regime in Damascus is hiding military hardware and shifting troops out of bases into civilian areas. Politically, President Bashar Assad...

Obama’s Halfway Effort in Syria As it becomes increasingly obvious that President Obama has decided to attack Syria with cruise missiles and perhaps a bit more, those of us who have been urging a stronger stand on Syria for...

What’s Wrong with Going into Syria American military intervention in Syria is likely to begin this week, and one thing we know amid the general confusion is that the objective is not to oust Bashar Assad: White House spokesman Jay...

Fed-Up Saudis Look to Russia Talk about a cry for help. The Saudis have apparently judged President Obama to be rudderless in his Middle East policies, judging by their recent diplomatic moves toward Russia: They appear to have plied...

Lost: Obama Middle East Policy, 2013-2016,(1) Why U.S. Policy Betrayed the Moderates In 1848, the new Communist movement issued a manifesto. It began with the opening line: “A specter is haunting Europe-the specter of Communism.” For our purposes today, this threat might be reworded as: “A specter is...