An Insider’s Report From the Shepherdstown Talks

Shepherdstown, W. Va -- It is only a few hundred meters from the improvised press center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, where this writer spent the better part of a week, to the conference center...

The Palestinian Security Services: Between Police and Army

Source: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy - Special report on "Palestinian security services: between police and army" - November, 1998. As a result of Oslo, the PSS (Palestinian Security Services) was established. The...

What Is to Be Done About Gaza? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Operation Protective Edge has not weakened or threatened Hamas enough to encourage them to accept a ceasefire. Israel has no choice but to continue to attack Hamas. Talks of reconquering Gaza are...

Why will Prime Minister Olmert Not Promise to Provide All Possible Protection for An...

The prognosis is that Gaza missile attacks on the Western Negev will continue., and that they will only increase in their lethal ferocity - given confirmed news reports that Egypt has facilitated massive amount...

Hezbollah Involvement in the Syrian Civil War

Overview For Iran and Hezbollah, the preservation of Bashar Assad's regime is of supreme strategic importance. Syria is Iran's greatest "resistance camp" ally, providing it with a firm foothold in the heart of the Middle...

Arab leaders Organize Protests

Cairo, Egypt (AP) - The crowds are large and their chants fiery, but Arab protests - such as those against Israel's pressure on Yasser Arafat - are often used and even choreographed by the...

Indyk 13th December Remarks Following Meeting With Arafat

GAZA: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East Martin Indyk, on an introductory tour of various Mideast capitals, said President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright remain committed to moving the...

U.S. envoy for combating antisemitism: jordan refuses to teach about holocaust because it will... Hannah Rosenthal, the State Department's envoy for combating anti-Semitism was very dissatisfied with a visit she had with Jordan's Minister of Education in 2011 because he told her he refused to teach about the...

Incisive moments on a family trip : TO ISRAEL AND EGYPT …TO CELEBRATE MY...

My extended family returned recently from a trip to Israel and Egypt to celebrate our younger son's Bar Mitzvah. We are grateful and blessed that our dream trip was realized. We marked Noah’s becoming...


On Monday night, Israel's Foreign Minister Tzippy Livni met with the Machmud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen. Abbas has two identities, both of which he inherited from his mentor, Yassir Arafat - as...