Origin of the Palestinian claim of a ‘right of return’

http://washingtonjewishweek.com/origin-of-the-palestinian-claim-of-a-right-of-return/ Reports emanating from the current Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations reveal that the Palestinian side continues to demand recognition of “a right of return,” under which about 5 million Palestinians now living outside Israel would migrate...

Ehud Barak’s Theater of the Absurd

There was no need to endanger Israeli troops. How could Ehud Barak not see the looming disaster? Stopping a large Gaza-bound ship could have been carried out below the waterline, or by an assault on...

A Perspective on UNRWA: Ending the West’s Proxy War Against Israel ;Stop funding a...

As the world decries Israel's attempt to defend itself from the rocket attacks coming from Gaza, consider this: When Hamas routed Fatah in Gaza in 2007, it cost nearly 350 lives and 1,000 wounded. Fatah's...

Commentary: The Anticipated Winograd Report

... Things are heating up here politically in anticipation of the interim report from the Winograd Commission (which is looking at our failures in the Lebanon war). Due in a matter of weeks, this...

Commentary: A Word of Caution

A word of caution is in order today regarding what seem to be peaceful overtures. Spain has just hosted a Spanish-Arab conference in Madrid that 19 members of the Arab League attended. (It is, I will...

The Lessons of the PLO Attack on US Security Personnel in Gaza

Three American security personnel were killed in Gaza this week as they traveled through a war zone between PLO guerrillas and Israeli troops. Their deaths were bound to befall any foreign security personnel stationed...

View from Fourth Circle: The Real, Historic Dangers, Opportunities in the Middle East

Cloak-and-dagger-style assassination attempts, urban car chases, midnight releases from jail, rumours of detainee swaps, and on-again,off-again diplomatic negotiations dominate the news headlines in the Middle East these days - but don't be fooled, for...

CIA Chief Says Al-Qaida is Weaker. True. But So Is U.S., While Revolutionary Islamist...

= July 1, 2010 http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/07/cia-chief-says-al-qaida-weaker CIA chief Leon Panetta says al-Qaida is at its weakest point since before the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. He's probably right, though the amount of decline in the...

U.S. Blocks Arms, Technology To Israel

The Bush administration has blocked arms and technology transfers to Israel. Israeli and U.S. sources said the State Department has blocked the transfer of weapons and technology to the Jewish state over the last three...

Dr. Yossi Beillin: Israel’s Shadow Foreign Minister? To Whom is Beillin Beholden?

On June 2, 2002, Dr. Yossi Beillin called a rally to launched his new movement - "Shachar", which will undoubtedly represent a continuation of Beillin's activities in the ECF - the Economic Cooperation Foundation. ECF...