The Palestinian Security Services: Between Police and Army

Source: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy - Special report on "Palestinian security services: between police and army" - November, 1998. As a result of Oslo, the PSS (Palestinian Security Services) was established. The...

What Does Israel Do if Obama Is Reelected? “Don’t Panic” - Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy I’m going to try to analyze what Israeli strategy might look like if Obama were to be reelected. I don’t want to write a...

The “Afirmative Action Policy of the Jewish People”

The media has missed the context of the Israel cabinet decision to restrict residence in some communities to Jews. Israel is quietly and systematically clearing land to prepare for massive Jewish immigration from the world...

Kant on Perpetual Peace and the Seeds of Another War

Two hundred years ago, an essay entitled "Perpetual Peace" by German idealist philosopher Immanuel Kant argued: "no peace treaty may be deemed valid that contains within its provisions, the seeds of another war." This seemingly...

The Myth of Palestinian Centrality The "Palestinian cause" has been at the forefront of discourse on the Middle East for nearly a century. It has long formed the primary common concern of pan-Arab solidarity and its most effective...

Hezbollah Triples Its Strength

Ehud Barak, Israel's defense minister, expressed alarm Tuesday at Hezbollah's apparent growth as a threat to the Jewish state. "Hezbollah's strength at present is triple its strength at the end of the Second Lebanon War,"...

Snow and subserviance It is snowing here in Palestine. My visitors from Gaza (a child being treated and his father) wish to go back to their family even though their wife tells us that they have no...

The Nakba Obsession: The Palestinian national narrative is the biggest obstacle to peace in...

A specter is haunting the prospective Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations-the specter of the Nakba. The literal meaning of the Arabic word is “disaster”; but in its current, expansive usage, it connotes a historical catastrophe inflicted...

UNRWA attacks Weeky Standard reporter David Tell… and David Tell responds

In recent weeks the Weekly Standard has published a number of articles concerning the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). These have contained a large number of serious inaccuracies and...

The Al-Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra) is an Al-Qaeda Salafist-jihadi network, prominent in the rebel... Al-Qaeda Entrenchment in Syria 1. During the Syrian civil war two branches of Al-Qaeda established themselves among the rebel organizations fighting to overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad. The most prominent is the Al-Nusra...