Congressional report ties Middle East terrorists to Mexican drug cartels A new congressional report from the House Homeland Security Committee Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations and Management ties Middle East terror organizations to Mexican drug cartels. The report, released Thursday, is titled “A Line in the...

Letter a Jewish woman in Britain sent yesterday (19 November) to William Hague, the...,_the_British_Foreign_Secretary _ Dear Mr Hague You have stated that if Israel tries to defend its population through a ground offensive in Gaza ‘it risks losing the sympathy of the international community.’ Let me tell you something about...

EDITORIAL: I AGREE WITH WEINBERG: BUBBLES HAVE BEEN BURST David. Weinberg, who moved to Israel from Toronto and directs the Israel office of the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs has written a good article in Yisrael Hayom, the daily paper sponsored by...

Israel Expects Bigger Missile War

Israel's military has been quietly bracing for another missile war with the Gaza Strip. Military sources said this time the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip could be joined by the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. They said...

America, Israel, Gaza, the World As Israeli airstrikes and naval shells bombarded Gaza this weekend, the world asked the question that perennially frustrates, confuses and enrages so many people across the planet: Why aren’t the Americans hating on Israel...

A Point to Make at IAW: Number of Golan Heights Druze seeking Israeli citizenship... Something interesting has been happening in the Golan Heights in the last few months which pro-Israel advocates on campus ought to point ought when detracters launch Israel Apartheid Week on campuses throughout North America,...

NGO Statements on Gaza Again Reflect Political Bias, Lack of Expertise _ European governments enable exploitation of human rights, int’l law with their funding Jerusalem - The biased responses of human rights organizations to the recent events in Gaza stand in sharp contrast to their prolonged...

With Resolve, Good Judgment, and Deliberate Speed INSS The Israeli public and its decision makers understand that slogans such as “eliminating Hamas” or “talking to Hamas” will not win a war or resolve the Palestinian problem. Indeed, the objectives of Operation Pillar...