Why FDI opposes the Hagel nomination

http://iran.org/news/2013_01_10-hagel.html FDI opposes the nomination of Senator Chuck Hagel to become the next Secretary of Defense. For the past 17 years, FDI has championed the pro-freedom movement in Iran, and has argued that helping Iranians to...

Gilad Shalit Release: Israel’s Joy Tempered by Memories of an Intifadeh

http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2097192,00.html Israel was happy, very happy. The news of a deal to bring home the kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit arrived with the holiday of Sukkot, a traditionally cheerful weeklong harvest festival made effervescent by the...

The Seizure of the Klos C: Significance and Implications

http://www.inss.org.il/index.aspx?id=4538&articleid=6745 The March 5, 2014 seizure of the Klos C is a blow to Iran, which clearly invested considerable effort and resources in organizing the weapons shipment and attempting to conceal the ship’s course and...

Antisemitism Embedded in British Culture

Antisemitism has been present in Great Britain for almost a thousand years of recorded history. In the twelfth century, Catholic medieval Britain was a persecutory society, particularly when it came to Jews. It pioneered...

Seven Myths about the “Historic” Israel-Lebanon Maritime Border Agreement

Commentators in the United States and Israel have hailed the agreement on the maritime border between Israel and Lebanon, which the Biden administration recently brokered, as a great success. They liken it to the...

UNRWA Can’t Pay Wages in Financial Crisis

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/174219#.UowA_ycUZiJ On Tuesday the UN announced it will not pay wages next month to thousands of workers in the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) due to a growing financial crisis. The cancellation of wages comes...

Recipe for Terror: A Text Analysis of the Palestinian State Constitution

I. Introduction A. Why a Palestinian State Constitution More than anything else, the Palestinian State Constitution represents the attempt to present to the world the face of a modern Palestinian state. The constitution is meant to...

Majlis Shura al-Mujahidin: Between Israel and Hamas

http://www.meforum.org/3500/majlis-shura-al-mujahidin-gaza In recent weeks and months there has been a cacophony of Salafi protest that has swept Gaza against the ruling Hamas government related to treatment of prisoners, corruption, and ability to practice Islam as...

Iran Behind Israel Border Clashes

http://www.newsmax.com/KenTimmerman/iran-israel-syria-hamas/2011/05/17/id/396681 The Iranian regime called the political leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah to Tehran last month, to work out the details of an unprecedented series of protests they wanted them to launch along Israel’s border...

Transcript: Indyk Sees “Real Opportunity” For Separate Peace Accords

January 27, 2000 Martin Indyk, recently returned to Israel for his second tour as U.S. ambassador, told an Israeli television interviewer January 25 that he believes "that there is a real opportunity now on the...