Palestinian-Israeli “Ceasefire” Already A Dud

Israel and the Palestinian Authority began a "ceasefire" Sunday morning that was highly unusual in several ways: • The Hamas terror organization promised immediately that it would use the respite to continue weapons smuggling and...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: October 9, 2007 "Speechless?" Not quite. It takes a lot to render me speechless. But the events of the last few days push me in that direction. The foolishness, the essential errors in thinking, the...

Prelude to War: Anatomy of a non-ceasefire

Israel and the Palestinians pulled back from full-scale war in Gaza on Sunday (November 26), agreeing to a "ceasefire" agreement that officials here say may end up being nothing less than a prelude to...

Israel Struggles With PLO’s ‘Right Of Return’ Demands

With the genesis of the Oslo process in 1993, what escaped the attention of the mainstream media in Israel and abroad was the continuing insistence of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) that all Palestinian...

News Analysis:

"Tedious" We've been there, done that. Plans for building in Jerusalem east of the Green Line are announced, and the world goes slightly berserk. It is really tiresome. Word from the government here is that 1) these...

“In the Next Few Weeks, an Earthquake Will Take Place”

Question: Are the Americans deployed in the Gulf with sufficient forces to enable them to land a crushing blow on Iraq already? "So it seems. They are capable. When the command is given." Question: So you...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: December 13, 2007 "When Does It Get Better?" "The resignation of Sderot's mayor constitutes a great victory for the Palestinian resistance. This is a political victory, a victory for morale, it adds to the humiliation...

Where Would Hezbollah Be Without the EU?

The EU has been here before. During the same period they came up with their false wall-of-separation within Hezbollah, they they did the same thing with Hamas. The fiction disappeared in Europe because it...

Mordechai Kedar: The Arab World on the Precipice Although I do not generally do so, I will open with an Arabic joke, because in the Arab world (and perhaps in other places as well) people often use humor to speak the truth...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: January 9, 2008 "Uneasy Hearts" There may be a lot of hoopla with regard to Bush's visit here. But many Israelis find there is little genuine joy in their hearts at the arrival of the...