Fools Rush in Where Statesmen Fear to Tread “Four years after the revolution and the old king’s execution.... He still recalls the old battle yell Down with all of the ruling class Throw all the generals out on their arse.” -”Marat/Sade” Actually though, many Egyptians are...

(Rejecting the Notion of the “Iranian-supported Gaza Regime”) Thanks to International Aid, Gaza Is... The Gaza Strip is doing really well economically and the Hamas regime seems set to go on forever. It's raking in the aid money but every dollar and every project is shaped to ensure...

Rosh Hashanah: A Newsman’s Perspective

This is a year which began as I scrambled to get on a plane back to Israel in time for Rosh HaShanah, after being stuck in New York at the time of the September...

The Palestinian Security Services: Between Police and Army

Source: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy - Special report on "Palestinian security services: between police and army" - November, 1998. As a result of Oslo, the PSS (Palestinian Security Services) was established. The...

For Uzi Landau, the Handwriting was on the Wall A day before the current government was sworn in, on April 17, former Knesset member Uzi Landau found out he has prostate cancer. This grave news came on top of the Likud defeat in...

Chairman of US House Task Force on Terrorism Calls for Inquiry of UNRWA

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Eric Cantor, Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, today released a policy paper on the recent controversy surrounding the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA)....

Analysis: President Obama on Fox News

President Obama was interviewed on Fox News yesterday. When asked if he thought the Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt was a threat, he responded: "I think that the Muslim Brotherhood is one faction in Egypt. They don't...

Egypt Fears Islamic Insurgency

The regime of President Hosni Mubarak has been concerned that Hizbullah's war against Israel could spark efforts by the Islamic opposition to establish a military force. Western diplomatic sources said the Mubarak regime has been...

Why Has the Domino Effect Been Halted?

Even American arms and training, European funds and global political support will not turn the Fatah regime in Judea and Samaria into something upon which Israel can depend. Only the establishment of eight homogeneous tribal states, based...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio, February 16-17. Featuring...

Summary and Analysis After the air-strikes in Iraq, both Israeli and American-Anglo "aggression" were feature items on V.O.P. Saturday. In the 7 p.m. news bulletin, reaction to the Iraqi air-strike-highlighting criticism of American-British aggression-was longer...