Just Say “No”: I Get Personally Invited to Help the Obama Administration Engage–and Thus...

Director of Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of Middle East Review of International
Affairs (MERIA) Journal.

The Only Refugees in the World Denied the Right of Resettlement

http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2014/09/17/the-only-refugees-in-the-world-denied-the-right-of-resettlement/ The news that hundreds of Palestinians from Gaza drowned last week when the boats in which they were trying to reach Europe sank once again highlights the hypocrisy of the world’s attitude toward the...

Don’t Confuse us with Facts – How Israeli Military Intelligence Botched Assessments of Arafat

During a cabinet meeting in 1994, then head of Military Intelligence Major General Uri Saguy, presented a "personal memorandum." The Israel Defense Forces MI chief has the right to present such a document, which...

U.N. Agency Balks At Transferring Duties To Palestinians

A U.N. agency dedicated to the welfare of Palestinian Arabs is resisting Israel's suggestion that it hand over some of its responsibilities in Gaza to the Palestinian Authority. The idea was raised by Israel's foreign...

The Relegitimization of Israel and the Battle for the Mainstream Consensus: Article from the...

Joel Fishman is a historian and a fellow of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. He is also a member of the board of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East and served as...

Incisive News Diary

Posting: August 25, 2008 "Words, Words" What shall we call it? A lot of hot air? Declarations "signifying nothing"? Barak said that Labor would resign the coalition if the budget were unsatisfactory. Shas ministers said they'd leave...


By The Israel Air Force (IAF) has a rich history of employing unmanned aerial vehicles in battle with excellent results, and is set to expand significantly its drone operations in the coming decades, as the...

Al-Ahram Weekly: 1st-7th April, 1999

Corruption Cover-Up in UNWRA? by Zeina Khodr Heading: "An UNWRA report proves that some officials have been mishandling funds. But, as Zeina Khdor reports from Beirut, Palestinian officials are worried that delays in tackling the scandal could...

Responding to Editorial in Editor And Publisher Which Lambasted Israel for Bombing Beirut

As the bureau chief of a news agency that helps reporters cover both Israel and Lebanon, I am surprised that Greg Mitchell neglects to mention that the Hezbullah organization has stationed its troops in...

Towards a Ceasefire?

As I write, the ceasefire mandated by the Security Council is ostensibly less than 12 hours away. However... the Lebanese cabinet has indefinitely postponed a meeting that was supposed to be held today to...