Arafat Aides Complain of Conflicting Orders

Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is issuing conflicting policy decisions to his aides as he is being pressed by the United States to reach a compromise on a final status agreement with Israel. Sources close...

Dr. Sa’di Al-Krunz Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC)

Dr. Sa'di Al-Krunz of Al Azar University is a Fatah representative from the Deir Al-Balah District in the Gaza Strip in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). IMRA interviewed Dr. Al-Krunz in English on May 19....

Getting Priorities Wrong in Egypt and Syria: Three Media Case Studies As I lie here waiting for the gurney to take me into the operating room and reading the hundreds of kind letters from so many of you, I hope to fill in your time...

Jews Who Raise Funds to Pay Israeli Soldiers to Desert the Army

Over the past two years, the Palestinian Authority has conducted a campaign to encourage the cold blooded murder of 682 men, women and children throughout the land of Israel. As a result, the IDF has...

How to Stop Terrorism

The horrible murders of the last few days are tearing at the hearts of the whole nation, and causing a feeling of no way out for some of us. We are being told that...


Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah said his Iranian-sponsored militia has deployed more than 20,000 rockets in southern Lebanon. Nasrallah, in his first appearance since the 34-day war with Israel ended on August 14, prodid not identify...

What’s Wrong with Going into Syria American military intervention in Syria is likely to begin this week, and one thing we know amid the general confusion is that the objective is not to oust Bashar Assad: White House spokesman Jay...

Towards an Arab Comprehensive Strategy For Peace

If one reviews the peace process since its launching after the U.S. aggression against Iraq in which the Syrian regime participated, s/he will realize why the Syrians looked for a peace settlement with the...

The Powell Visit: Israeli Press Reportage of a Disaster

-- To the question of what repercussions the failure of Secretary of State Colin Powell's mediation mission will have, the Palestinians respond with a single word: a "catastrophe" Officials close to Sharon said: "True, it...