A United States Attack on Syria: Implications for Israel INSS

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=11991 On Wednesday, August 28, 2013, President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron affirmed that a chemical weapons attack had taken place in Syria the previous week and "there was no doubt that...

Commentary: The Baker-Hamilton Report, Syria, and More

Recommendations of the Baker Hamilton Commission on how to proceed in Iraq have not been formally announced as yet, but they have been leaked. A major -- and hugely horrendous -- proposal is that...

Hamas Launches Missile Attacks On Israel’s Independence Day: World Surprises Israel And Recognizes Hamas...

The Palestinian-operated Ma'an news agency reported yesterday that Hamas, the ruling party in the Palestinian Authority, took responsibility for launching more than 80 missiles into the Israeli communities that border Gaza during Israel's Independence...

Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Palestine Radio Broadcasts: Dec. 26

Summary and Analysis VOP returned Tuesday to very careful coverage of the Clinton proposals to the Palestinians and Israel in Washington. VOP is trying to navigate between the hard line of Abu Ala (PA Speaker...

Olmert’s Hand Picked War Investigation Commission Issues Scathing Attack on Olmert

During the 34 days of Israel's war in Lebanon last summer, the Israeli Prime Minister's Cabinet Secretary conducted constant briefings with the media, repeating over and over the precise war aims of the Israeli...

Iran’s Arms Supply to Hizbullah: International Dimensions

http://jcpa.org/irans-arms-supply-to-hizbullah-international-dimensions/ In an exceptional political signal, a senior Israeli official contacted Mark Landler of the New York Times and explained that the Israeli government was determined to continue to prevent the transfer of advanced weapons...

Iran May Be Fueling New Palestinian Missile War On Israel

The Middle East Newsline reports that Israel's military expects the next war to include intense rocket and missile attacks on the Jewish state, which will emanate from Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian Authority. "We experienced...

The IDF Situation in Gaza

Our current ground operation, stage two, is just about complete. Yet we're not pulling out and we're not bringing in all of the reserve units to move into stage three. Some reservists have been...

Seven Myths about the “Historic” Israel-Lebanon Maritime Border Agreement

Commentators in the United States and Israel have hailed the agreement on the maritime border between Israel and Lebanon, which the Biden administration recently brokered, as a great success. They liken it to the...

The medical war on Israel

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4153223,00.html Israel was excluded from the International Red Cross for half a century because of the Star of David. Questioned for having denied entry to the Jewish state, Cornelio Sommaruga, then-head of the International Committee...