Israel Sees 30-Day War With Iran Israel has assessed that it must prepare for a month-long war with Iran and its proxies. Israeli military and intelligence community have discussed a range of scenarios of war between Iran and the Jewish state....

Judgment Day, Iranian Style

With the international community focused on Iran's quest to develop nuclear weapons, little attention has been paid to Tehran's preparations for a possible showdown with America and its allies. For more than a year,...

Hezbollah Involvement in the Syrian Civil War

Overview For Iran and Hezbollah, the preservation of Bashar Assad's regime is of supreme strategic importance. Syria is Iran's greatest "resistance camp" ally, providing it with a firm foothold in the heart of the Middle...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: Saunday Afternoon February...

Israel Election Preview on V.O.P. On Monday night and Tuesday morning, V.O.P. ushered in the Israeli elections-with a sharp escalation of anti-Sharon rhetoric and emphasis on a military escalation in the Gaza Strip alongside the...

Israel at Fifty Makes an Offer “Territories for Peace”, Not “Territories Before Peace”

On the occaision of Israel's fiftieth anniversary, the Jewish state finally finds itself in full scale peace process, following formal peace treaties signed with Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994). That is because of a...

Maj. Gen. Yaakov Amidror: Hizbullah Needs 2 Years to Recover

Hizbullah was badly damaged in the war against Israel and requires at least two years to recover, a leading Israeli military analyst said. Maj. Gen. Yaakov Amidror, a former senior military intelligence officer, said...

Childhood Diabetes Increasing In The Wake Of War In Lebanon

The war in Lebanon is continuing to take a heavy toll from the children of northern Israel, and not only psychologically: In recent months a sharp increase has been noted in the number of...

Syria, Lebanon Trying to Stymie UN Help in Israeli Pullout

Lebanon and Syria are trying to stymie United Nations cooperation for an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon. Lebanon and Syria have set tough terms for an expanded UN peacekeeping presence in Lebanon in the wake...

Incisive Perspective: Syria and Saudi Arabia

Syria Murders Hundreds; "Pro-`Arab Spring'" West Yawns or Supports Syrian Regime The situation in Syria is terrible. Hundreds of people have been shot; others arrested and tortured. And yet after weeks of demonstrations and repression...

Palestine’s Peace Bomb One of the key arguments of Israel's "peace camp" is that, without a two-state solution, the state faces a "demographic time-bomb." The contention is that perpetuating Israeli control over the growing Arab population of...