Commentary on the trying times for Israel

These are serious and somber times for Israel. No question about it. And to make light of it would be foolish and shortsighted. Is the situation hopeless? Absolutely not. I was, in fact, quite irritated...

Norwegian Labor Party Youth Movement (AUF) Demands that Ariel Sharon and Other Israeli Leaders...

The Norwegian Israel Center (NIS) is a voluntary politically independent documentation and resource center that works at promoting a more balanced view towards Israel, and therefore fights antisemitism. At the same time, we try...

Chemical Watershed: Momentum Shifts again in Syrian Civil War Two and a half years after the beginning of the uprising, Damascus has become an eerily empty city. The streets were deserted last Friday evening in the remaining regime-controlled districts -- from Bab Tuma...

UN “Fact Finding” Team to Israel, April, 2002: Inquiry or Inquisition?

The UN fact-finding team investigating the events in the Jenin refugee camp was due to arrive in Israel on Sunday after a short delay, following two days of consultations between Israeli representatives and the...

Second Front Opens in the Sunni-Shia War The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) organization swept into the city of Mosul in western Iraq last week. No one has any right to be surprised. ‬ ISIL has held a large...

Official Palestinian Authority Media Report that Israel has Agreed that “Badr Division” of Palestinian...

June 11, 2005 Voice of Palestine radio reported late Saturday that Israel had reached agreement with Jordan and the Palestinian Authority (PA) to allow the "Badr Division" of Palestinian forces to enter the West Bank...

Fatah Continues to Dispatch Teenagers fo Kill…

June 19, 2005 Fatah operatives in Nablus continue to dispatch teenagers to terrorist missions, including suicide bombing attacks. This, despite harsh condemnations issued against the phenomenon in the past. A recently-discovered Fatah Tanzim cell in...

Iran May Be Fueling New Palestinian Missile War On Israel

The Middle East Newsline reports that Israel's military expects the next war to include intense rocket and missile attacks on the Jewish state, which will emanate from Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian Authority. "We experienced...

Israel’s new game plan with Hezbollah and Syria Under late Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, and for 29 years, Israel did not once directly strike Syria outside the Arab-Israeli war of 1973. This dynamic is quickly changing today, as the internal conflict spreads...

Sharon’s 10 premises for his withdrawal plan should be questioned

1. "The successful withdrawal from Southern Lebanon is a precedent for everything that will take place in Gaza and Northern Samaria after the withdrawal from these areas". Deputy prime minister, Minister Ehud Olmert, said in...