Syria, Lebanon Trying to Stymie UN Help in Israeli Pullout

Lebanon and Syria are trying to stymie United Nations cooperation for an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon. Lebanon and Syria have set tough terms for an expanded UN peacekeeping presence in Lebanon in the wake...

USAID Vets-Hiring Review, Support for Israel, Top Kirk Priorities Included in State-Foreign Ops WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator will be required to review the agency's veterans-hiring practices under a bill passed by the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee. The Senate’s fiscal year (FY)...

Not Quite What We Are Led to Believe

Now that the residents of the Katif district of Gaza have been forcibly expelled from their homes, a picture - promoted by the Palestinian Authority and its supporters - is being painted in the...

Former Canadian Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy, President of U of Winnipeg, Initiates Programming to...

Howard Morry and Ab Freig photo by Rhonda Spivak Jim Carr, Osama Abu Zeid, Howard Morry and Ab Freig of the Arab Jewish Dialogue at the University of Winnipeg photo by Rhonda Spivak Osama Abu Zeid, who fought...

Where Are Arafat’s Secret Accounts?

In the early morning hours of Friday,April 20, a group of armed masked men knocked on the door of the home of Jawad el-Russein in Abu Dhabi. El-Russein, the PLO treasurer, opened the door...

Hezbollah training Shiite fighters in Syria – Source Beirut/London, Asharq Al-Awsat - Syrian Shiite sources confirmed to Asharq Al Awsat that Hezbollah and Iran are intervening in the Syrian crisis in order to “protect” Shiite towns, villages and religious shrines against the...

Poll: Spike in Palestinian support for military operations against Israel Palestinian support for military operations against Israel has registered its most significant jump in 10 years, spurred by the recent Gaza conflict, ongoing Israeli settlement expansion, and frustration over a peace process that has...

The Palestinian Refugees on the Day After “Independence”

The gap between Israel and the Palestinians on the refugee question cannot be reconciled. The Palestinians demand a "just peace," which implies recognition of the right of return according to their interpretation, and rejects...

Former MK: Treat UNRWA as a Hostile Palestinian Organization

Former MK Dr. Einat Wilf argued, in a column that appeared in Israel Hayom Sunday, that it is necessary to call the bluff of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and show...

How Reporters were Forced to Downgrade the Report of a “Massacre.”

After two weeks of screaming headlines that proclaimed "Massacre in Jenin!", the news story from Jenin is slowly emerging. This follows the decision of the IDF to allow representatives of the Israeli and foreign...