At This Stage of the War – Israel’s Achievements Significant

There are two ways to evaluate the outcome of a military conflict: The degree of success the sides to the conflict had in realizing their objectives during the conflict; The measure of military achievements during the...

We need the guts to say no to Rice

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his successor Ehud Olmert justified unilateral disengagement on the grounds that we were obliged to take initiatives to break the impasse in the absence of a Palestinian peace partner. In...

Retreat from Gaza?

Since December 2003, Ariel Sharon has astonished friend and foe alike, embracing the very idea he opposed in the elections that confirmed him in power in January 2003. The idea is "unilateral disengagement," whereby Israel,...

Saudi Funding for Lebanese Army Presents Challenge for Iran Saudi Arabia's Aid to Lebanon Presents Challenge for Iran Dec. 31, 2013 - 03:45AM | By AWAD MUSTAFA DUBAI - The $3 billion Saudi Arabian grant to the Lebanese Army to buy equipment from...

Palestinian Suffering Used to Demonize Israel Executive Summary: As long as Palestinians continue to serve as lightning rod against Jews, their supposed victimization reaffirming the latter’s millenarian demonization, Israel will never be allowed to defend itself. No sooner had Israel launched...

When Peace Now’s Academic Spokesman Endorses Selective Murder of Jews

As the months since the downfall of Ehud Barak go by, not only does the sense of loss increase, but so too the dilemma deepens in which the left wing finds itself - facing...

Critique of Abu Mazen from a Pro-Palestinian Advocacy Organization

"Among the fancy new villas, fanciest is that of Abu Mazen, key negotiator of the ill-fated Oslo accord. It is not clear who paid for this $2 million-plus affair, all balconies and balustrades in...

Norwegian Government Ready to Endorse Hamas regime That Promises to Continue the War to...

This article was written by reporter Samuel Sokol: Jerusalem- The foreign ministry of Norway has sponsored an endorsement of Hamas' "hudna" The unofficial endorsement came in the form of a research paper published by the Norwegian...

Why FDI opposes the Hagel nomination FDI opposes the nomination of Senator Chuck Hagel to become the next Secretary of Defense. For the past 17 years, FDI has championed the pro-freedom movement in Iran, and has argued that helping Iranians to...

Brussels’s Hezbollah Blinders When terrorists struck in Bulgaria last month, killing five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver, Jerusalem immediately accused Hezbollah and its Iranian paymasters of the crime. Tehran and Hezbollah, as always, denied it....