Terrorism: How the US Ignored the Money Trail

Despite sanctions, terrorists like Osama bin Laden are able to use the international banking system to finance vast and expensive networks. In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee last week, Michigan Sen. Carl Levin explained...

Israel Struggles With PLO’s ‘Right Of Return’ Demands

With the genesis of the Oslo process in 1993, what escaped the attention of the mainstream media in Israel and abroad was the continuing insistence of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) that all Palestinian...


Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah said his Iranian-sponsored militia has deployed more than 20,000 rockets in southern Lebanon. Nasrallah, in his first appearance since the 34-day war with Israel ended on August 14, prodid not identify...

It’s Time to Tell the Truth About the “Peace Process”

http://www.gloria-center.org/2013/06/its-time-to-tell-the-truth-about-the-peace-process/ “He who tells the truth is driven from nine villages.”- Turkish proverb Has it become time that the absurd paradigm governing the Israel-Palestinian and Arab-Israeli conflict as well as the “peace process” be abandoned or...

Hizbullah Sets Up Thousands Of Bases

Officials said Hizbullah has set up weapons caches in at least 200 communities in southern Lebanon. They said Hizbullah was storing rockets and missiles in thousands of apartment buildings in an effort to evade...

Historical Approach to the Issue of Legality of Jewish Settlement Activity

...The Jewish right of settlement in the West Bank is conferred by the same provisions of the Mandate under which Jews settled in Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem before the State of Israel was...

Hamas Chief Rantisi

Suicide attacks prevent massacres of Arabs. Israel's occupation of Palestine will end when the Arabs and Muslim world are strong. Excerpts from interview: "When Mr. Arafat kissed me, it was a routine kiss, not a political kiss",...

Israel Warns Of Imminent War

Israel's military, struggling with a shooting war with Syria, has warned of an imminent multi-front conflict. Israel Air Force commander Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel issued one of the starkest warnings of an imminent war that...


Israel has examined the prospect of developing long-range, precision-strike artillery that could destroy missile batteries in such countries as Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and Syria. Officials said the Defense Ministry was considering proposals from defense...

IDF Suspicious About Egypt’s Intentions

The major element that is supposed to change in connection with the struggle against the tunnels has to do with Egypt's behavior. That is being influenced not only by the warming of relations with...